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Jimin looks sadly and disappointedly at his breakfast. He sighs. He should actually be happy that Jungkook leaves him alone. But why does it arouse exactly opposite feelings in him? 

Jungkook and Jaehyung have been living with them for a week now, and you'd think Jungkook and Jimin would already be used to each other. But they are not. It's not that Jimin doesn't try to talk to him, but every time he does, Jungkook runs away or ignores him, and he is slowly coming to terms with the fact that Jungkook will never talk to him.

“Oh, sweetie. Don't think about it too much. I'm sure you just need a little more time, and you will be friends soon. You barely met a week ago.” His mother hugs him comfortingly after he puts on his jacket. He doesn’t have the heart to disagree, so he zips his jacket and puts on his bag before saying bye when he leaves the house.

We don’t need more time, Jimin thinks as he kicks a pebble over the concrete. With Jungkook acting as he does, certain things will stay the way they are, and he doesn’t feel like approaching him any time today. Even if he’s dying to make things right with him. For now, he has to ignore the burning sensation of loneliness sitting in his chest.

The day passes slowly for him, and nothing has really changed in school. During school breaks, he hides in a small school library they have. He entertains himself by reading some books or doing homework until he has to show up for the next lesson and exhales deeply each time he would not come across a certain boy group in the hallways.

The determination Jimin had set in the morning crumbles as he walks through the corridor to his last class and Jungkook is talking to someone. It ignites a flame of jealousy in him, accompanied by confusion. Why does he care that Jungkook is talking to someone? Why does it have such an effect on him when they barely know each other?

Jimin bites his lip thoughtfully and finally turns his back on Jungkook, so he is not late for his lesson. Maybe he will try to talk to him again when he’s back home. What bad things can happen that haven’t happened so far? Rejection? That would be nothing new.

That day, when he gets home, Jimin sees Jungkook already sitting on the sofa in the living room, checking something on his phone. He leaves his things at the doorway because none of their parents are home. 

Tension fills him as he strides towards the other. It drives him crazy that the thing with Jungkook won't leave his mind. 

“Jungkook,” Jimin softly speaks up and adds, “I need to speak with you. Can you, for once, talk to me instead of ignoring me?”

Jimin fiddles with the hem of his jumper as there’s no answer from the other. He feels awkward standing there, but he will get over it. It’s not his priority now. Jungkook ignores him and keeps checking his phone. He hasn’t glanced up once.

“Jungkook, please…” Jimin’s voice wavers as he swallows around the building lump in his throat. He knows Jungkook heard him, and it hurts him that the other doesn’t answer him. “I- I read your note and I won’t tell anyone; you can ignore me at school, but please let us at least talk here.”

The silence returns, making it more apparent to Jimin that he isn't worth talking to and his presence is unwanted. His hands form into fists and relax. He would give up if Jungkook still wouldn't move a centimetre and still ignore him. It’s embarrassing that his vision blurs when he wanted to appear confident.

“Please, Jungkook.”

Jungkooks seems to have enough of Jimin's pleadings as he gets up and strides to him, stopping right before him, and his face morphing into annoyance.

“What the fuck, Jimin! Why are you annoying me so much? I told you clearly to stay the fuck away from me! What do you not understand about it? What is your fucking problem?!”

“I- I don't have anyone else to talk to,” he whispers, getting quieter with each word. Jimin had no intention of saying it, yet it slipped out before he could prevent himself from saying it. He averts Jungkook’s burning gaze as he feels too vulnerable to look at him. Within seconds, Jimin decides he’s had tried enough. There’s no way Jungkook would talk to him. 

Therefore, Jimin turns around, missing how Jungkook’s angry expression falters. No one intends to be friends with him anyway. The truth hurts more than he’d like to admit. “I understand now. I won’t bother you anymore.”

He’s about to go back to his room when fingers grip around his wrist and keep him rooted to the spot. 

“What do you mean by you have no one to talk to?”

Jungkook must have been undoubtedly wrong about him the entire time. He thought it was only an act that Jimin puts on, and it would only be a matter of time until he would become his authentic self.

When it comes to people, he has only had bad experiences. He would trust them, and then they would drop him or show their true colours, but seeing Jimin in such a state because of him breaks his heart.

“It doesn’t matter. You don't want me to bother you anymore.” More tears are welling up in Jimin’s eyes, and his shoulders slump as he wriggles out of Jungkook's grasp, only for him to tighten his grip and pull him upstairs to their rooms. 

“Follow me.”


A/N: how do you like the changes so far? It's much easier to read, no?

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