A rough morning

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Mae, while walking through the hallway to the kitchen; "I wonder if he slept ok..." She says as she unlocks Aleks' door, cracking the door for when he goes to leave, Mae peeks in his room. Aleks is snoring, asleep in the middle of the bed, both arms out spread out from his sides. Mae lets out a small giggle, oh, he did, she says as she goes to the kitchen, putting together a go-bag for Aleks. Three hours drag by and Aleks wakes up. Aleks Stretches; "Mmmm-mm...." he yawns. As Aleks sits up he hears Mae in the kitchen. Aleks sluggishly makes his way to the kitchen. He says to her in a deep, tired voice; "Hey Mae, good morning."

"Oh, hey you're up now. How did you sleep last night? I was just putting together a backpack for you to take when you leave," Mae says in a joyful tone. "Oh, well thank you. Yes, I did." Aleks says as he looks at Mae; "So... Why do you lock the doors on the rooms at night?" Mae sighs in sadness, "Mostly because of the hunters that try to hunt my species for fun... That way there's only one way in and one way out of each room... So only one person would get caught... In theory." Aleks, horrified. "Oh... Is... Is... That what happened to Buck?" Mae, Sniffles and stays silent. Tears welling up in her eyes. Aleks rushes over and gives Mae a hug, while rubbing her back. "I'm sorry for prodding..." He says apologetically.

Mae, hugs him back, melding into his arms. She says "It's alright... I'm honestly just glad I wasn't home... All I found was his shirt on the front steps, and I knew he was gone for good..." Aleks mumbles, "That's terrible... I'm sorry..." He starts to gather up his things. Mae, struggling to make full sentences through her tears. "...... Hey... Um... Can I ask you something...?" Aleks, wanting to do nothing but make her more comfortable says "Yeah, of course Mae what is it?" Mae, speaking quietly. "Would you... Wait to leave... Like... maybe for a week, just so I can feel safe...?" Aleks says back to her, happy to oblige her request. "Yeah, absolutely I will." Mae, shocked. "Really?! You will!" Aleks smiles. "Yeah of course, you didn't have to give me a place to stay or do any of this for me! So, of course I'll return the favor!" Mae, sighs happily "That means the world to me... Thank you!" She speaks. Aleks, pats her head between her ears as he tells her. "I'll do whatever I have to, to ensure you feel safe for this next week."

Mae, smiles a bit." Thank you... How old are you by the way?" Aleks says "I'm 23, what about you?" Mae, laughs "I'm 22, we're both close in age! ha-ha." Aleks smiles back to her, "We sure are! What can I do to help you out while I'm here? Mae, thinking what he can do then says, "maybe just help me sweep the floors and maybe make your bed?" Aleks says with enthusiasm can do that!" Aleks goes to grab the broom and start sweeping, seeing two hunters in orange walking the perimeter of the property.

Aleks swiftly tackles Mae into her rooms doorway and rolls so he's kneeling on top of her, keeping her near the ground, talking quietly, "Shh... Hunters..." Mae's eyes get large, tearing up and shouts quietly; All while her face is rosy, red from Aleks positioning and sudden movement and positioning over her. "A-Aleks... Grab my shotgun...!" She speaks. Aleks, moving carefully, to not hurt Mae, crawls out of the room and grabs her shotgun near the front door, Aleks takes a deep breath, careful to stay quiet, not knowing the hunter's next move. Hunter (1) turns to Hunter (2) "You figure that deer girl is still here?" He asks.

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