We Always Hide In The Dark (But It's Brighter In The Light)

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"Are you jealous?"

Alright, that was certainly not what Merlin had thought he would wind up saying when he cornered Lancelot in the latter's chambers, but after the words had left his mouth he found he couldn't really take them back. It would explain a lot of Lancelot's recent actions, after all. The not-so-subtle glares Lance would send anyone who dared look at the warlock fondly, and the hickey placed strategically above where his neckerchief could hide were ample proof after all. It was like he was trying to send a message to anyone who dared look at Merlin - specifically he already belongs to someone - which was odd, seeing how the two still hadn't told anyone they were courting.

It was, however, becoming brazenly clear to anyone with eyes that Lancelot seemed to act differently whenever Merlin was in the room. With just the knights, he was the same noble-hearted man he always was, but as soon as the manservant was in sight, the knight's gaze (and attention) couldn't help but shift over to him. Gaius had even taken to raising his eyebrow of doom every time an uninjured Lancelot stepped foot into the physician's chambers without remorse before slipping away to his ward's room.

Gwaine, unsurprisingly, had figured the whole thing out first, only a few weeks after they started courting, having cornered the two of them in the armory after everyone else had already left.

"So, I see you two finally got your act together," he congratulated, sending a knowing look their way. Too many nights he had stayed up consoling either a resigned Merlin or a rare drunk Lancelot on their 'one-sided" love, to not at least gain some joy from the way their faces flushed immediately (the red on Lance's skin was particularly dark - the knight managed to remember many of their late night conversations after all).

Merlin was the first to respond, always the one to get his wits together soonest despite whatever Arthur insisted. Paired with a raised eyebrow he must have picked up from Gaius, he set the vambrace in his hands down without breaking eye contact. "Care to share what you mean, Gwaine?"

"Well isn't it obvious? You two have started courting, haven't you?" No matter how many people believed him to be a drunk fool, Gwaine would trust his observational skills more than he would trust his own brothers-in-arms. If there was anything he knew for certain in this world, it was that the noble knight and mysterious manservant had grown much more obvious in their affections.

Surprisingly, when Lancelot finally spoke it sounded almost meek, "You won't tell anyone, will you?"

"Wait, are you two just not going to tell people? But, why?"

Merlin and Lancelot shared a look that meant something before the former shrugged. "Just promise us you won't tell anyone."

"'Course not. Not even Princess, though the look on his face would be a sight for the minstrels to sing about." The knight hesitated to leave after that but ended up giving a jaunty wave before he left the armory. Gwaine would figure out their reasoning eventually, after all.

With Gwaine finding out so soon, it was almost a wonder no one else other than Gaius seemed to know.

That was, of course, until Lancelot started acting so possessively.

Even Arthur started sending weird looks when Lancelot lingered on the edge of the training field to talk with Merlin. Which was shocking, considering Arthur was oblivious to anything concerning his manservant.

The other servants, of course, had noticed the odd hours at which Merlin stumbled out of the knight's chambers and had already run the whole thing through the rumor mill a couple of times. Honestly, the fact that most of the looks the two were getting were questioning and not knowing was a miracle.

Percival had been nothing short of relieved when he found out, having caught them in Lance's room a few months after the armory incident. Apparently, he had suspected something the entire time Lance and Merlin sent letters to each other during the former's banishment and had been thoroughly surprised they hadn't shared a relieved kiss when they had rescued everyone. When he had questioned Lance about it later, it began the long-lasting tradition of Lancelot whining to his friend about his 'hopeless' crush, and Percival was glad it was finally over.

Back to the matter at hand, however. There had to be something sparking Lancelot's sudden recklessness, and Merlin was determined to figure it out.

"What- jealous? Me?" Lancelot floundered. "What would I have to be jealous over? I'm the one you're courting!"

Merlin frowned, "Then why are you acting like this? I thought we agreed to at least try and keep it a secret?"

"But why? We know none of our friends would judge us! Aren't you tired of hiding from everyone?" Ah. So that was what was causing all of this. Merlin should have known.

"Do you... want to tell everyone?"

Lancelot didn't think Merlin would give up that easily (which was fair, seeing how the warlock didn't really expect it either) and blinked for a moment before composing himself to answer, "I want to be allowed to be open in my affections for you."

Merlin took a moment to consider it. Lance really only knew how to have the sweetest intentions. "I- alright. I don't know if I'm comfortable outright telling everyone, but we don't need to hide it anymore."

"Really? You mean it?"

"Yes, of course, Lance. Anything for you. It'll be nice anyway to be openly smitten with you." He would do anything to see the pure joy on the knight's face that he was seeing now, after all.

The next day at training, Gwaine let out a whoop of joy when Lancelot kissed Merlin in front of everyone, immediately turning to his brothers-in-arms and bragging that he knew the entire time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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