29.Took this dagger in me and removed it?

167 7 14


Athena's pov

the article of Jamie making out with someone on a beach still is in my head and it won't leave every time I thought of it I wanted to cry
I mean what the fuck why he is with her why didn't he tell me I have no reason to be upset or jealous it's not like Jamie and I are dating I can't breathe it feels like my world is slowly closing in on me right now he's my best friend how could he not tell me.

goofy goober-
Jamie hello can you answer me

flatty Mcpatty <3-
Jamie's in the shower rn he'll have to get back to you


I brush off that weird text, the tour is almost over now I only have a few shows left then I'm going back home why is he acting like this

almost two hours later i get a text

flatty Mcpatty <3-
hey thena i'm sorry but when you come back from tour you have to move out my girlfriend lives with me now

goofy goober-
and you never thought to tell me before
jamie i have only have a few days left
you know what never mind

flatty Mcpatty <3-
she didn't feel comfortable with you here also since we sleep in the same bed idk maybe stay with Bailey or something


Yes originally that was his apartment but it turned out to be ours now he's kicking me out with barely any warning Fuck him you know what since I'm going to Canada why don't I see if Charlie and I could hang out I need that

The phone rings a couple times before she finally picks up

Hey slut

Hey hoe

Okay so I'm gonna be in Canada
in two days for tour-

she cuts me off

Holy shit!
No fucking way you're coming here in two days too! I'm coming to see you

I hear her yell and I laugh at her excitement

Okay, I will get you tickets

I can hear her feet stomping in what sounds like her car

Yes, thank you

How dare she even think I would be in the same place as her and not hang out

Bitch like I would let you even getaway
with not coming

Good, we have so much to catch up on

No for real, I wanna hear everything about Jack and you. SPEAKING OF WHICH,
I saw Jenna's post!

Yes yes

So you made up?


she stops talking I'm guessing she was thinking of something

Bitch wouldn't you know?
You're in a group chat with him.

I laugh awkwardly I didn't want to get in the middle of them Jack has asked me about her many times

Yeah but this kid doesn't know
anything. And it was
awkward I don't know.

Okay well we didn't exactly make up
make up. But we discussed
said sorry. I'm sure it will still
be awkward and stuff


I'm going to meet up with him right now.
But Why didn't you tell me
about the concert earlier?

I don't know girl.

I shrug even though I know she can't see me so it's more to myself

Well tell me shit

Okay I will

Good, I have to go,
but I will be seeing you soon!

Can't wait Twink

We laugh one last night before we end the call

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