High tide

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           I struggle to find the correct words to describe my world from my view, "maybe a cadge or an endless road?" I've tried to describe it before, but in fact, that is not exactly true, it is more like an underwater cave.

              I sat on the cave's damp ground shivering, staring into the water, "Why is this happening? why am I here?" I wondered briefly and stared into the muddy pool of life that is too impure to drink from. And soon high tide came, the water slowly climbed higher and higher as I scrambled to the wall to keep dry as long as possible, the water kept rising it had only been maybe ten minutes but the water was wrapping around my chest, it was so cold, it rose and rose I found myself swimming to the ceiling trying to find the highest spot to breath just a bit longer, the water covered my head and I was forced to try to hold my breath until the water subsided. I managed that time and when the low tide came a few minutes later I built a fire to warm and dry myself as I waited for the high tide to come again.

             As the pool slowly rose again I went to the wall and watched as my fire, my small semblance of hope, sizzled out. again I swam to the top and breathed the little bit of air left in this hopeless cave, as the water covered my head I held my breath again and hoped to outlast the tide again, I struggled to keep the air in my lungs but no avail, as I could no longer  I gasped and as felt the icy muck fill my lungs I tried to scream to cry for help but nothing came of it as the water blocked all sound and washed away my tears as soon as they fall. and I knew there is no one there anyway, I had tried before. Soon the water subsided. I didn't bother to build a fire this time. I felt there was no point. The water would rise and wash it away again. Besides, I still felt the water in my lungs weighing me down. "I'll just rest a little." I thought to myself as I fell into a restless slumber.

             I awoke to something cold lapping at my legs and wondered briefly what it was before slowly remembering that it had come again. "I don't think I will try this time." I said to myself and found my throat sore and my voice strange to my ears. "after all what is the point? I'm tired and the tide won't ever stop rising." I finished not caring about the pain. And so I didn't try to and I let the water come over me. I didn't struggle or swim this time. I held my breath for a bit but then grew tired of it so I stopped but the tide wouldn't subside this time and it wouldn't let me go back to sleep. I just wanted to rest. "Why will it not go away? Isn't this what the tide wanted, for me to give up? Or does it enjoy watching me struggle? Does the tied want me to fight back will it go away then?" and so I decided to fight again I held my breath and swam to the top to wait it out I struggled and tried to escape and after what felt like hours but was probably mere minutes, I had lost all sense of time by this point, the tide finally subsided and I could breathe in the fresh air again and I felt proud that I had survived again.

This time as the air filled my lungs I was determined to breathe air thru the next high tide, after all, I had survived the worst one yet, or so I thought, and so I got to work quickly and built a little shelter of driftwood and clay and stone and built a fire inside, there was no way the tide could get in I was warm and dry and proud of the little shelter I had built the worst that could happen was a few leaks and I was well prepared to deal with that. I was ready and nothing could stop me.

As I sat by my fire warm and dry I heard the water slapping against the stone. It didn't bother me. I was safe with my little home of driftwood and clay, and my fire that brought me hope and warmth. At first, the walls held fast. I was getting through. I was safe and dry and warm. I don't know exactly what happened and how, everything was going so well everything was perfect, but somehow it all came crashing down, I heard it first the crash of the heavens colliding with that horrible sound. Then it all came rushing in before I could react. The waves tore through the walls of my little shelter and water came rushing into my lungs, my fire, my warmth, my hope, it didn't stand a chance. I was slammed into the cave wall, everything was foggy and muted "what's happening? Everything was so perfect. Why? Why ? why?" the word repeated in my head. Then, everything went dark.


I sit on the cave's damp ground shivering, staring into the water, "Why is this happening, why am I here?" I wonder briefly and stare at the muddy pool of life that is too impure to drink from.  reminiscing on past events. and soon high tide came,

                                                                                                                                                                          The end


 thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed it!

😁 have a good day/night.☀️🌙


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