Lotta feels you got there huh?

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Ugh, I hate training, but it is for Marinette. Especially after that assassin's attack, the king and queen won't let anybody near her. Nobody will let anyone go near her. I can't let anybody near her. Well, I suppose the king and queen, but nobody else. I hate that Prince Adrien is so oblivious. I wish that Marinette liked me of course, but if Adrien has her heart, then I might as well guide them along.

A sudden melodic voice that could only belong to one person suddenly spoke, snapping her out of her thoughts."Are you done with training Kagami and Uncle?" Kagami and D'Argencourt who was Marinettes uncle technically wasn't done, but Alya knew that if Marinette wanted practice to be done, that it would be done. And not because she was the princess, but because of her kindness and sweet personality that poured out of her constantly. Prince D'Argencourt was a little stronger than most people though, and said no, but that she could wait. Wait, wait!? Here!? While Alya was sweaty and gross!? Sure, Alya was her best friend and had certainly seen her like this before! But that doesn't mean that Alya didn't want to keep the interactions to a minimum! Oh no! Alya was going to die of humiliation! Well, let's be reasonable, if Marinette had seen her like this before, then she probably wasn't going to shun her. But still!

"Alright, training is over everybody! Go to your respective duties and whatever you normally do!" Prince D'Argencourt called out. Marinette rushed over to Alya as fast as she could in that poofy dress of hers and started dragging Alya to her bedroom to chat about something. Probably something about her crush on Adrien, the oblivious idiot. Hey, just because she would accept Marinette's crush on Adrien, does not mean that she wouldn't call him names in her head and just generally be jealous of him in general.

"Alya?" Marinette's sweet voice said anxiously near her face.

"Yes Mari?" Alya replied struggling to keep the absolute complete adoration out of her voice lest she embarrass herself.

"I keep trying to get Adrien's attention on me in a romantic way, but he seems so stubborn on not liking me in that way! It's so frustrating! It's almost as if everyone who I don't like like that, likes me like that, and people who I like like that, don't like me like that! Examples; Adrien I like, but he doesn't like me like that, and then there is Chat Noir, who I think sort of likes me like that, but I am not really sure, and then there is Rena Rouge, who I like," Marinette rushed to say, her words spilling out of her mouth. Wait, maybe Alya, did have a chance with Marinette, or rather Rena Rouge did. But, also, Chat Noir! When did that happen! How could Marinette like Chat Noir, a pun-loving dork who flirted with everybody (and who Alya kind of thought was an asshole, especially outside of the mask!) This was a code red! Full alert! She needed all of the details ASAP!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, girl, when did all of this stuff about Rena Rouge and Chat Noir come about?" Alya responded urgently.

"Well, a couple of months ago... When Rena Rouge rescued me from that Volpina assassin, I suppose I started crushing on her a bit. And Chat Noir came to check up on me a couple weeks later, I started crushing a bit... And also Alya, I am freaking crushing on multiple people! 3 in fact! I need help! I feel like I am picking up crushes like a spider captures flies!" Marinette said, almost screaming.

Okay, Alya think. You have to do this for your girl no matter how happy you are that she likes you, well Rena Rouge, but still. And anyways you can still nudge her towards Rena, instead of a mangy cat, or a spoiled prince.

Perhaps a certain foxy knight can give her a visit tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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