
22 0 1

Boyfriend and his hot sexy woman were driving around the dark streets of Philadelphia, Girlfriend in the driver's seat. She kept her eyes on the road 24/7, but would occasionally glance at Boyfriend from time to time.

He leaned his head against the window and looked outside, bored.

"Are you tired?" She asked and tilted her head. "Beep bop," He responded, leaning back in his seat.

Girlfriend chuckled and focused back on the road. Suddenly, a strange glow caught her eye. "The hell is that?" She muttered. She tightened her grip on the steering wheel before taking a sharp turn, jerking her and Boyfriend to the side.

"Beep!?" Boyfriend yelled, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Look at that." Girlfriend pointed at the glow in the alleyway, parking somewhere near it. She unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped outside. They surveyed the place.

It looked abandoned, judging by the vines growing on the sides of the building around the alleyway. There was a faint logo on the face of one of them, but it had obviously been removed. She averted her eyes to the glow again. "Bop beepbo bi?" Boyfriend asked, moving to stand beside her. "Do you see that? The glow over there!" Girlfriend pointed to the alleyway a second time.

Boyfriend's eyes widened as he nodded. "Skidoo bep beep!" He took Girlfriend by the hand and dragged her along as he made his way to the alley.

They stopped in their tracks the moment they got there.

There was a man leaning against the fence, smoking what appeared to be a glowing cigarette. He looked to be around 20-30, Girlfriend thought.

He didn't notice them as they stood there, too busy trying to light his cigarette.

"Beep bo bap bi.." Boyfriend whispered, hooking an arm around Girlfriend's waist and backing up. Unfortunately, the clacking of her heels against the pavement alerted the man, and his lighter fell to the ground as he snapped his head up.

"Hello?" The guy spoke, crouching to feel around for his lighter.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend exchanged glances before Girlfriend sighed and stepped forward. "Hi. My name is Girlfriend, and this is my boyfriend...Boyfriend." She said, motioning toward Boyfriend.

The man by the fence looked at them for a moment. "You serious? This some kinda joke?" He tilted his head. They didn't respond. "Well...My name is Garcello."

"Beep bo bi." Boyfriend waved. "This guy speaks in beeps?" Garcello asked. None of this seemed real to him. "Uhm..Yeah. I can, erm, translate for you if you want." Girlfriend offered. Garcello waved her off and finally lit his cigarette, the light glowing stronger.

"So, what are you two doing out here this late? You guys don't look any older than, like, 17."

"Bop bi bee bo." Boyfriend answered, though Garcello couldn't understand it. There was something about that blue haired boy that was endearing. Was it the way he talked? Or was there something else he was drawn to?

"W-We should get going. Sorry for bothering you, uhm..Garcello."

Garcello quickly jumped up, "No! I mean— no, no. I don't mind."

"Oh?" Girlfriend was slightly shocked. There was a moment of silence for a few seconds. "...You know how to sing?" She leaned forward.

He crossed his arms and leaned farther against the fence behind him in thought. "Mm. I'm not really the singer type."

"Beep skidoo bop bi bap bee," Boyfriend said. Garcello's heart skipped a beat for whatever reason. He couldn't explain what he was feeling right now. It was warm and fuzzy. Everytime Boyfriend let out one of those cute little beeps, he felt it. And they'd only just met.

An upbeat tune started somewhere. It was Girlfriend's phone going off. "Hold on, I'll be back. I think it's my dad calling." She opened the car door and answered the phone to see what her dad wanted.

Garcello locked eyes with Boyfriend. He could feel the air getting thicker between them. "Beep?" Boyfriend looked to the side.

He motioned for him to come stand beside him. Boyfriend blushed and tried to hide a dumb smirk, but Garcello could see it. "Beep bo bi bop.." He smiled. He began to walk toward Garcello and stand next to him. "So.." He started, "You ever smoked before?" Boyfriend stared at him with wide eyes and shook his head, "Bo beep bi— Bap bo bee!"

Garcello chuckled. "You're cute." Boyfriend's face turned an even deeper red and looked to the side. "I don't blame you. Smoking's not good for you, kid." He muttered, nudging Boyfriend with his shoulder.

"Beep.." Boyfriend glanced at the cigarette in the man's hands. Garcello chuckled a little louder and shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But we're talking about you here, not me. I'm too far gone.." He said, shaking his head. Boyfriend crossed his arms and nodded. "Beep bi ski bep boo beep bop.."

Garcello tossed the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it, putting it out. "Looks like your girlfriend's not coming back anytime soon, huh?" Boyfriend stared at the car, shrugging. "Bo Beep.."
Girlfriend was currently in the car, apparently yelling while waving her hands around. "Must be an argument." Garcello shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed.

Boyfriend leaned against the wall and turned to look at Garcello. Not saying anything, just examining him. Garcello stared back. The air felt thicker than it was before. "You sure like to stare." He looked Boyfriend up and down.

Boyfriend's breath hitched as he watched Garcello. "Be..Beep...." Garcello moved closer until their shoulders touched. "I know you feel this tension." He muttered, staring straight ahead.

Boyfriend didn't know what to say. He looked down, a bright red blush spreading throughout his face. "Bop..."

Suddenly, the familiar sound of heels clacking against pavement was heard, Boyfriend and Garcello jerking their heads to the side to see Girlfriend walking up, phone in hand. Garcello quickly stepped to the side, away from Boyfriend. "Apparently it's past my curfew..." Girlfriend sighed.

She looked to her boyfriend, then to Garcello. "Er...See you again?" She smiled. "Yeah...See you." He mumbled, waving.

Girlfriend took Boyfriend by the hand, practically dragging him back to the car. Garcello took out a cigarette and lit it again, watching as the car pulled off.

Hopefully he'd see them again.

See him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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