chapter 1. Ethan

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(this story Is a tokio hotel fic!)

When I stepped out into the warmth of the Miami air, I took a deep breath and made my way to school. My name is Kat Schäfer. everyone calls me kitty. I have black, straight hair. im not the best looking girl ever. I've got a big nose, im about 5'5" and I'm pale. I'm inside a lot reading, since I don't have a lot of friends. as I was walking down the sidewalk to Jameswood middle school, a bus went by and I got a bunch of paper balls and pencils thrown at me. I put my hood up and sigh. the last thing I need is for people to see me cry. I've been bullied my whole life cause im "ugly" and "weird". I have a boyfriend, Jay killington. he has long brown hair, kind of like a mullet, he has brown eyes, and a smaller nose than I do. 

I get to the school and I go to first period, that's the period I have with Jay. I sit across the room from him, so sometimes we'll share glances. today he was wearing a black zip-up and navy shorts. his shoes are just some blue hightop vans. im wearing my black hoodie, long pants, and all black converse, but not the "normal" type, ALL white on the shoe. the teacher comes in and starts the lecture. I notice Jay talking to this girl, Taylor. she's in the dance program at Jameswood. she leans on his desk and holds her head with her elbows. I try to ignore it but its eating me alive. I look back over and she's closer, but hes smiling at her now. I get red because im a bit upset. a few minutes later the bell rings for 2nd period, I have that class with Jay aswell.

im very hesitant to ask Jay about it, but I ask him anyways. "what were you and Taylor talking about?" I ask nervously. "oh nothing." he answered back. I get sort of a weird feeling, like hes hiding something from me. we walk into 2nd period and I sit down, I sit behind Jay in this class, again. I talk to the person next to me about the project we are doing. Jay turns around but the smile on his face drops when he sees me talking to the guy next to me, Tyson. "Really Kitty?" he says turning around. "what?" I say. Marshall taps me and I face him. he motions me to come closer. "hes really toxic, you need to get away from him." he whispers "don't you notice how hes controlling you?" he adds. "but I love him" I say, upset. "I know kitty, but its important for you to not be around that energy." he says with this fake sad tone. "ok..ill do it after class." I say. "good, im proud of you kitty."

the class ends and I call Jay over to me in the hallway. "Jay, I need to tell you something." "what's up babe?" he says. 'oh my god I can't do it' I think. "im...uhmmm" I hesitate. "what?" he says. "IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU." I yell but I immediately slap my hands over my mouth. "what the fuck Kat? im everything you had! you're nothing without me." he says holding his arms up. I shrink down and tear up. I shove him into the wall away from me and I run away. I sob while running and I throw myself into a bathroom stall. I shake from being terrified the Jays words. and what might he do to me? will he hurt me? 

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