Chapter 1: I'm Safe

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//???'s POV//

I escaped... But how?

All I remember is that I stabbed someone with a knife and I ran and ran and ran until I grew tired. I want my momma. My papa. But I can only wish for them to be here with me... They already left me and they're not going to come back. Ever. They left because of me; because I'm a burden for them.

I will always be a burden.

I will never be worth someone's time.

I'm just a worthless slut.

Nothing can change that.


I walked around this place that I was not familiar with and looked for a place to stay; a place where they wouldn't find me... I found a small and thankfully hidden alleyway This will do for now I thought, before I sat down and tried to sleep...

I tried.

After a couple hours, I could start to see the sun rising, my anxiety skyrocketed and my mind wouldn't stop thinking about 'what if?' questions...

What if they found me?

What if they bring me back there and hurt me more?

What if they kill me?

My mind was racing so much that I didn't notice a chocolate haired woman with beautiful hazel eyes and glasses that was looking at me full of concern.

//Hanji's POV//

I was in my lab when someone knocked on my door; I didn't open it at first since I thought I was only imagining things. Because, the sun was just starting to rise and no one usually needed me around at a time like that, except of course, when Erwin needed me to show our new recruits around. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone knocked again, but this time, a bit more agressively; when I finally opened the door, I saw Levi, Erwin, and Moblit all standing in my doorway with quite troubled faces; except for Levi of course, he just looked downright pissed as per usual.

"Hanji, you're good with kids right?" Erwin started to ask when Levi rolled his eyes and spat out "Get to damn point, Erwin. Stop trying to beat around the bush." He then looked at me and added "What Erwin was trying to say Hanji, was, there's a child that looks terrified in the little alleyway outside and Erwin doesn't know what to do." "What?" I asked while blinking a few times, not really understanding the fact that their was a child outside, let alone, that they were terrified. It always pained me to see children pain; I had snapped back to reality when Levi lightly tapped my cheek asking me what was wrong; which I obviously replied to with my typical nothing... "I'll go look outside and see what I can I do."
Erwin nodded and moved away from the door to let me pass. I walked towards the back of our base and into the little alleyway there.

That's when I regretted my decision.

The sight of the terrified child looking panicked broke my heart. It pained me to see a child; who was supposed to be carefree of their life, be in so much pain.

I slowly approached her with caution in hopes not to scare her even more; but, it failed the moment I accidentally stepped on a brach.


She suddenly snapped out of her thoughts and whipped her head towards my direction with wide eyes. The moment she saw me; she instantly curled up into a ball with her hands covering her face and begging me not to hurt her and send her back... Send her back to where?

I was slowly advancing towards her even more and kneeled down in front of her about 6 feet away from her and put my hands up in the air to show her that I didn't want to harm her.

Noticing that she wasn't being hurt; the little girl slowly took her hands away from her face; but she was still cautious, because; she probably thought I was just waiting for her to take her hands off of her face so that I could hit her... When she saw that I didn't move a muscle; she hesitantly wrapped her hands around her arms, and slowly backed up until her back reached the wall.

The mysterious girl was now about 11 feet away from me. While she was backing up; I scanned her body from head to toe. Thankfully she backed up incredibly slow, so, this gave me time to scan her body carefully; but the longer I scanned her poor body; the more pain my heart feels for her and the more anger I felt for the people who did this to her. She was covered with multiple cuts and bruises, and she was long overdue for a bath. I also noticed a few more things about this poor childs body; she was clearly malnourished and I could start seeing her ribs due to how skinny she was, and the fact that only what seemed like a rag covered her small body.

I didn't realize she fully backed up into the wall and was now staring back at me. I looked around her and saw that she was grabbing a rock around the size of my fist; she threw it at me of course, but I easily dodged the small rock by jumping out of the way; but I still kept my eyes on the girl who looked even more terrified.

I put my hands up in the air again and I started to talk.

"Hey kid, easy there, I won't hurt you. My name is Hanji Zoë, what's yours?" I asked as calmly as possible giving a small smile

I saw her relax a bit, but she still seemed a bit wary about me and she looked like she was still keeping her guard up. "R-Raven."

"That's a beautiful name." I replied as I smiled a sweet and small smile; I saw the corner of her lips curl up a little and it made my smile a bit bigger. She looked like she was about to say something but she was hesitant. So I spoke again. "So, Raven, what are you doing here?"

Her eyes darted around the little alleyway obviously avoiding my gaze and started mumbling her answer; which I obviously did not understand. So I sighed and asked her if I could get closer to her, to which; she hesitantly nodded, so, I stood up and I walked over to her slowly leaving some space between us as to not scare her, I crouched back down and looked at her scared face once more and said in the softest and most sincere tone of voice that I could do "Can you please repeat what you said? Please don't just mutter it. I want to help you, Raven. Not hurt you. I promise." I said the last part while moving my right hand to my heart.

I felt like she was slowly starting to warm up to me; which made me smile.

Raven nodded and looked down at the ground. After what seemed like an eternity; Raven finally sighed as shaky sigh and looked up to meet my gaze. She finally started by saying "I didn't know this was your house, Miss Zoë. I'm sorry" I wanted to tell her that this wasn't my house; but as I was just about to open my mouth to say it, she continued explaining "I didn't mean to come here really. I just needed to stay someplace hidden to spend the night and rest. I needed to hide away from them." After that, she started to sob quietly; and I became even more heartbroken because of the amount of pain she was in.

I wanted to comfort her; so I asked if I could hug her, which she just nodded weakly. So, I started to wrap my arms around her small, fragile body as she kept sobbing. At that exact moment, I knew I wanted to help her... So I whispered to her "Raven, let's go inside and get you cleaned up."

She slowly looked up at me with wide eyes and asked me "Really?" clearly not believing the fact that I wanted to help her. So I asnwered "Yes, and please, call me Hanji, okay Raven?"
This was met with a small but genuine smile from Raven and an exited nod. "Thank you, Hanji." She said with tears brimming her eyes.

I said that she was welcome and pulled her up to her feet. I took off my jacket and slowly covered her body with it and led her inside. Thankfully no one was up yet and my quarters was close by, so we got in their quickly.

I sat Raven on the bed and went over the window and closed the curtains so that we could have some privacy.

This is definitely going to be a new experience.


This is the first chapter hope you enjoy! Please leave a comment and a vote if you liked this! Updates will be slow asf since I am a highschool student with a very busy schedule.

Bye, and see you in the next chapter! :)

-MJHB <3

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