Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day

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It was the third day in a row that you found yourself staring down at a letter in your hand whist trying desperately to force your attention back to breakfast. There was something that nagged at you as you read the words over again, as if they would change if you read them once more.

"I've never seen someone look so forlorn reading a love letter." Your gaze was dragged up to the friend beside you who was looking at you like you'd turned up to the Great hall in your pyjamas. You'd opted to sit with Imelda in the hopes that her aura alone would drive away this new wave of interest, but alas the new letter in your hands was as real as the last. You weren't even sure why they bothered you so much.

"What's got you so down this morning?" The space beside you was promptly filled by the last person you wanted to see right now, though as for why you weren't sure. Something about his presence whilst you were lamenting over love letters just drove you up the wall. When you didn't respond, however, the boy to your right opted to tug the letter out of your hands, negating any sense of privacy he might have thought about respecting. This caught your attention, drawing your eyes from their cast down position and over to his as they skimmed the page. His expression faltered for a moment, before his gaze lifted to meet you own, recoiling slightly at the intense way your eyes were watching him.

"You've got a love letter?" There was something in his voice that you couldn't decipher, but your mind was too busy reeling about the letter.

"Several actually..." You groaned as you pulled the last few letters from your robe pocket, all crumbled and dishevelled to represent your distaste towards them. Sebastian moved to rifle through a few of them as Ominis joined the group, sitting himself across from the three of you. Imelda had a strange look of entertainment written on her face, as if she knew something you didn't.

"And this is an issue because-?.." You picked up a random letter from you pile, dragging you eyes over the words once again.

"They're all so... disingenuous? It's like they've all decided I'd be the perfect boost to their egos and they haven't even thought to figure out who I am. Three of them don't even have my name on, just some variation of 'the hero of Hogwarts'..." The last year had certainly given you a reputation, and despite the fact that you didn't think of yourself as one of the most desirable people in your year, having such a title as 'saviour' garnered a little more interest than you would like.

"It just kind of ruins love letters for me, you know..." The three bodies around you watched as your shoulders dropped as your voice came out in a strained murmur, clearly affected by such a small thing. The pair of boys knew the last year hadn't been easy on any of them, but especially you, and you had earned the right to be put out by the little things.

"You want love letters?" Ominis's voice brought your gaze back up from the table, the sad look that had been creeping over your features replaced with a light blush.

"I don't know... There's something so beautiful about the written word, being able to perfect exactly what you want to say to a person and then have it forever more... That sounds kind of stupid now I say it out loud." The body beside you should his head vigorously enough that even the blind boy in front of him knew how quickly he had responded.

"If anyone can understand the wonders of the written word, it's the son of two professors. You're right, these are shit!" His reaction was a little too responsive, but it elicited a small laugh from you which made it hard for him to hide the look of pride now gracing his features.

"I'd rather a guy just suck up his pride and say it to my face." Imelda's comments were always rather blunt, but you appreciated that. You nodded along, lightly thinking over the notion.

"I suppose that makes these letters alright. I'd much rather ignore some silly bits of paper than have to turn down all these overconfident idiots." You tossed the letter that had remained in your grip onto the pile before pulling out your wand and muttering incendio, watching as the things that had tormented you for the last few days shrivelled up into nothing more than cinders on your plate. You let out a satisfied hum before finally allowing yourself to enjoy the enormous breakfast spread out in front of you.

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day // A Sebastian Sallow x Reader One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now