basket case

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the  bleachers by the sports field wasn't an uncommon place to find someone skipping class, so it's unsurprising to find constance laying back on the bleachers, a cigarette loosely hanging from her mouth as the music continues to buzz in her ears. the tank top she wore comfortably hugged skin, sweat from the blazing sun glistening on olive toned skin.
the piercing bell that rings is only faintly distinguished from the continually thudding of the bass, loud angry lyrics scrambling around in her brain as a foot taps to the rapid beat. constance had lost track of time about an hour ago but as long as she could lay by the bleachers unbothered... she didn't really care.

sure, professor monet was bound to lose their temper if they found her, but she didn't particularly care for french class at the moment. the only thing that held her attention was the cigarette in her mouth and the thought of a nap before her shift tonight. there was no point going to a class that she was fluent in, really. yet as the sun that warms her skin becomes colder, constance's brows would furrow together in confusion before an eye peaks open. The first thing that catches her eye is dark hair and pointed nose. the glint of a familiar septum piercing and she scoffs - eye shutting again.

"gene, a pleasure." she grumbles sarcastically, making a weak noise of discontent coming from her as she feels the bench press down from his weight. 
"give me a smoke," gene huffs out, snatching the cigarette from constance's lips. as her eyes snap open to glare at him, he has the cigarette pressed between thin pink lips. a deep inhale coming from him before he exhales and pulls the cigarette away, blowing smoke out into the air. he watches the smoke dissipate, and constance finds herself fixed onto his expression - the crease between his brows and the slight scrunch of his nose.

the two sit in a comfortable silence, and constance sits upright. her thinner body slumps against his wider frame - his arm instinctively wrapping around her to keep her close.
"you need to stop buying these, con." gene grumbles as he reaches down for the cigarette packet in her jacket pocket, the packet looked so small against his ringed hand before he pushes it onto the inside of his pocket. "y'er gonna go broke, doll."
"i'm already broke," constance snaps back - but she doesn't bother to fight for the packet. she'd just steal his wallet later... sighing heavily once more, she stares out onto the field ahead. "what time is it, anyways?"

"it's fifth period," gene mumbles quietly, taking the cigarette into his hand once more. constance would stare on, watching as he pressed the bud against his other hand, a low hiss drawing from his lips as the cigarette extinguishes against pale skin. "so unless you wanna get caught by mr. castor, i think we should get going. yeah?"
gene doesn't wait for an answer, pushing himself onto his feet as he drops the cigarette so it falls beneath the bleacher. he turns on his heel and starts making his way down to the bleachers. "i need to go pick something up from my locker, yeah?"
constance would scramble after gene, rushing pull her phone away and push on her jacket. stumbling down the stairs, she'd make her way down the rickety stairs to the green grass below. as tradition dictates, she makes a note to scuff some of the grass with her boot before taking slow strides towards the living hell that was phoenix drop high school.

the school alone managed to make her skin crawl, the religious guilt felt like it stuffed down her throat every time she stood inside the disturbingly gross walls. the school definitely wasn't her first choice, but at least there was gene. he made it a little more bearable... although maybe that was the weed that often came with him.
"what're you needing to grab anyways?" constance would ask as she finally fell in step with gene, eyeing the piercing by the left corner of his lip in absolute awe. despite all of his piercings, she thought him to be a true pretty boy. maybe the piercings helped... but she couldn't remember seeing gene without the piercings that decorated his face so freely.
from the corner of metallic blue eyes, gene would briefly allow eye contact to be made. he stays silent and his shoulders raise into a shrug, to which constance has to try and ignore the frustration that flares up into her chest.

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