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All I remember was inhaling the darkness that Rangrok released when I beat him. I saw Professor Fig laying there and I really thought I locked it away forever. Tears rolled down my face realizing I had killed, hurt, and destroyed so much at sixteen. My eyes flutter shut and I collapse to the ground and hit the floor. I slowly open my eyes and see Professor Sharp carrying me out of the Map Chamber. I look over and see Professor Weasley looking at me with a concern not realizing I woke up.

"She has been through so much," Professor Weasley whispers to Sharp in a heartbroken but caring way.

"We will take her to the hospital wing," He replies as I lay limp in his arms. As we get back into the halls of Hogwarts all I can hear is the chatter of students saying look at her and in shock that a new fifth year just fought something and a professor dying in the process. Then I hear a panicked voice running down the hallway.

"IS SHE OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED?" A voice I know and a voice that makes my fist clutch together. It was Sebsestian Sallow. Of course, the professors have no idea what he did just a few days before. I can barely see him but I can see his figure trying to push against the students who formed a line in the hallway. "OUT OF MY WAY" I hear his worried and pained scream. I hear Poppy and see Poppy crying. So much is happening my brain could not handle it.

"You are not seeing her!," I hear a voice that always speaks so softly it now sounds protective and sounds like tears are being held back. I hear arguing and I know immediately who the two are fighting.

"Ominis and Sebastian!" Professor Weasley yells sternly, "If you want to see her, you can see her after she is checked out, but now please this is not the time for a fight," She says and they both stop.

"What is wrong with these students," Professor Weasley says to Sharp as I lay there.

"They are teenagers what you expect," He snickers quietly.

I fall back into my sleep I was in and everything is now black again.


My eyes open and I see Poppy smiling with her sweet smile at me. She sighs heavily and grabs my hand with a tender love like a sister would.

"Gave us a scare, huh?" She smiles softly at me. I try to sit up and Poppy immediately tries to help. I shook my head to her meaning I can handle it.

"Is Professor Fig--?" She stops me and says "Let's not worry about anything right about anything," She sweetly says. I met Poppy in my Hufflepuff common room but we were not truly friends til we went on the crazy adventures of saving beasts from poachers. My eyes got wide thinking I heard Ominis and Sebstian.

"Ominis?" I say in a panic to Poppy. I see a shadow come out of the corner by the window. Ominis was soft spoken and is part of the Slytherian house. Crazy enough, he has relations with Slyazar Slytherian himself. He grabs his wand and a red light beams from it. He approaches the seat that is next to Poppy. His blue eyes are like icicles and I know he cannot see but I always felt he can see enough of what is going on. We became friends when I met Sebsitian. Sebastian. His name makes my heart ache. He made me feel alive and horrible at the same time. I shake my head to stop thinking about him.

"Are you okay?" Ominis asks me.

"I am fine," I say in a short tone. My arms are not crossed. I thought Sebstian would be here. Then I remember, Ominis and I were planning on turning him in. He begged me to talk to Ominis. He had a way to make me believe every word he said and I fell for it. Maybe, it is because I am a stupid teenage girl. Sebstian killed his uncle and used an unforgivable curse to do it. I can hear the words "Avada Kedavra" in my head over and over again. I was there and could not stop him. He wanted to save his town andAnne but Solomon, his uncle, said there was nothing we could've done. Sebastian went on a dark path and I followed along like a stupid puppy dog.

"Did he try to visit me," I weakly say to Poppy and Ominis. Ominis huffs so loud but you could tell he knew I sincerely wanted to know. Poppy looks at us both somewhat confused. She does not know the full story of what happened and what Sebstian did.

"He tried to, but Ominis would not let him. He would try everyday and every night but someone was always here with you. Ominis told me to not let him near you so I listened and I can feel he was right not to let him," Poppy replies and her face looks like she wanted to say more. I look at her with my light blue eyes begging her to tell more.

"He does not look stable, Violet," She sighs and continues, "He looked crazy. I know Sebstian we have charms together and with you. He just did not seem like himself. Ominis knows him better so I trusted what Ominis said not letting him see you," She finishes.

"He is not Sebstian, he is like a stranger that stood in front of me," Ominis coldly says.

"Professor Weasley even said he shouldn't see you like this because his uncle just died. He has been through enough," Poppy says.

"It is fine, I didn't even want him in here," I look over to see Natty is gone. She must've gotten better since Harlow cursed her.


End of the year feast, Professor Black "tried" his best to say nice things about Professor Fig. My eyes were in tears when he talked even though his speech was not nice but when Professor Weasley took over. Her words were so soothing and I wiped my eyes before anyone noticed me. Hufflepuff ended up winning the house cup because of my heroic actions of saving the school. I jumped up and down with Poppy when it was announced. I take a deep breath and realize this year is over. I can have a normal life now at Hogwarts. Sebastian was not at the feast. Nor, I saw him when everyone was leaving. Ominis was going to stay with Anne and not Sebstian. Ominis has a rocky relationship with his family and I was going to actually stay the summer with Poppy and her grandma to study beasts. I am thrilled my father would let me go because ever since he found out I was in the hospital wing he was this close to not letting me go the summer or even come back. We were about to hop on the express and Ominis called my name.

"Please write," He smiles. His light blonde hair looks lighter when the sun hits it and it is something I just noticed.

"I will," I hugged him so tightly I could've squeezed the life out of him. When I let go of him it was slowly. I kissed his cheek. His face turned red like a tomato. I whisper thank you for everything and I walk on the Hogwarts Express with Poppy seeing that whole encounter with wide eyes and a huge smile dying to know what happened.

That is the end of my fifth year. 

Before the Storm- Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now