19.you're the way to my heart

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AthenaTheGodess's story: goodbye Arizona

Jamie and Athena finally got back to new york after being in Arizona for a week "thank god we're home i missed your bed" athena says while walking into what is now their shared apartment "Technically it's our bed now" She just laughed at what Jami...

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Jamie and Athena finally got back to new york after being in Arizona for a week "thank god we're home i missed your bed" athena says while walking into what is now their shared apartment "Technically it's our bed now" She just laughed at what Jamie had said then went straight to the shower after they bring up all their luggage then head to bed shortly after the showers.


jamie's pov

i walk out of the bathroom to see thena sleeping peacefully as ever i love watching her sleep even if it sounds weird i love the way her face is completely still like she is fully calm and the way she curls up in fetal position i love how she's like a human heater and i'm like a block of ice we always balance each other out. i stop looking at her then get under the covers i reach my arm around her waist and cuddle her she is my comfort she is my home and i don't even think she knows how much i care about her, yes we've been best friends for years but i would do anything for her i trust her with my entire life she is the reason i am who i am today she is my light in life the one person who can bring me back from anything,i lay there cuddling with her and i watch her eye flutter she starts moving a lot i back up a little bit wondering what's going on she jolts up and starts crying i rush to her side "what, what's wrong" she can't stop crying i just want to help her "just a bad dream bout my dad he was yelling at me calling me names and i just can't-" i knew she had bad dreams she used to have them a lot after she realized he family wasn't who she thought they were, i grab her gently in attempt to calm her down she makes quick eye contact with me "can you sing me to sleep like you used to when i had bad dreams"  all she had to do is ask me and i would be at her feet doing whatever she asked of me like i said i would do anything for her "of course thena" we lay down she's in my arms I sing to her all her favorite songs it gets to the end of me singing cardigan and she's out like a light she even has a light snore that's how i know she's sleeping good i stroke her face with the back of my hand and push her hair out of her face soon after i closed my eyes and i fell asleep.

back to thenas pov

i wake up grab my phone very slowly because i can feel Jamie's tight grip on my waist i see that it's not 12 in the afternoon i got a text from sam about a 2 hours

old man 👨🏻‍🦳
hey kiddo i'm gonna be in new york you want to hang out feels like i haven't seen you or Jamie in ages

goofy goober-
sorry i didn't answer i just got back into new york last night i just woke up but yeah sounds great we should get everyone back together have a family dinner

old man 👨🏻‍🦳-
sounds good i've missed all my other kids so much it feels like i haven't seen you all in ages

goofy goober-
yeah it's been a couple of months i miss my dad man 😭

old man 👨🏻‍🦳-
trust me i've missed you too kiddo zoe won't be able to join us though she's been busy with work recently

goofy goober-
i'll go see her soon also why didn't i just text the group chat 💀

old man 👨🏻‍🦳-
i honestly forgot we had one till you just said something about it

goofy goober-
wow 😬

old man 👨🏻‍🦳-
hey give the old man a break but fine i'll text the group chat


group of skxqwng's

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
hey i'm in new york for two weeks and i missed all of you, you guys up to a family dinner

of course when though?

hotdog water-
yeah i'm down just lmk when

mama Z-
i can't still stuck doing work but i miss all of you

fatty Mcpatty<3-
me and thena are always free so why not😎

stormy baby-
yayyyy thank god i get to see everyone other than zoe, you will be missed 🥲

mama Z-
it's okay trinity we can plan another day

goofy goober-

what's with the aggressive love rn

fatty Mcpatty<3-
just accept it

goofy goober-
why don't we meet up tomorrow at
Jamie and i's apartment for dinner

old man👨🏻‍🦳-
sounds good to me

yeah me too 🥳

goofy goober-
so is everyone good with the plans

hotdog water -


stormy baby-

yeah absolutely

goofy goober-

jamie and thena spent the rest of their day watching movies and doing skincare then went back to bed.

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