Chapter 1

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Stan sat on his bed, music being blasted into his ears. He had been 'sick' for almost a week now and was wondering how his friends were doing. He thought and hoped they were doing okay without him. Actually, they were probably having a better time without him there to vent to them all the time. Stan was like that; he always thought negatively.. especially about himself. It was one thing to pessimistic, but it was another thing to be goth.

The goth kids were all outcasts and just not paid attention to.. at least until Stan joined. People were always looking at them, giving them weird looks, basically saying "ew, they turned Stan into one of them." or "why is Stan with those freaks?" The backstory to Stan becoming a goth is short; he started to feel left out in his old friend group, and one day he ran into the goth kids. So.. he joined them because they could relate. They also listened to him.

Kyle was always looking over at Stan in class and at lunch with a sad and betrayed look. Stan noticed, but pretended not to. He eventually noticed it with Kenny too. Were they okay? Did he hurt them by leaving so suddenly? 

Truth is, they both really missed Stan, even though, yes, they were kind of hurt by him leaving with no explanation and just not telling them. Cartman couldn't care less though, but he was a bitch like that. The other two did not want to be stuck with him. Though, they still had other friends such as; Clyde, Tolkien, Tweek, Craig, Wendy, and Butters. So they weren't completely stuck with him. They hated him. They didn't even know why he was in the friend group. No one really liked him. no one was scared to admit it. not even parents.

Stanley's mother decided it was time for him to go back to school. He complained, but didn't argue: that was either a downside or an upside. His mom couldn't tell. Anyways, after his mom left, he looked at the time; 7:23pm He should probably head to bed. He had been sleeping the majority of the day though.. oh well.

-Next Morning-

He heard his alarm go off. It was 6:30AM. He felt as though he had just fallen asleep right before his alarm went off. Stan knew that day was going to be shitty, considering he barely got any sleep and had to go back to school. He got so lost in thought that he didn't notice his mother talking to him at the table. She was wondering why he wasn't eating his breakfast. He wasn't hungry. He really wasn't.

After about another minute of his mother questioning him, he got up and left. He was so fucking tired.

At school, he got the weird looks he always does. Nothing changed I guess, he thought. He, once again, gets lost in thought and bumps into his old friend group.

"Hey look! It's emo boy!" Cartman laughs.

"Shut up Cartman!" Kyle shouts

"Mmph mm mph mmph!" Kenny's words are muffled. Cartman just continues to laugh and make fun of Stan. Stan just looks down at the ground and walks away. Words couldn't explain how pissed off Kenny and Kyle were.

-In class-

"SHUT UP, FAT ASS!" Stan looked over to see Kyle screeching at Cartman.

"I'M NOT FAT.. I'M BIG BONED!" Cartman screamed back.

Stan's head hurt. He couldn't handle the screaming. Usually he was used to it and laughing, but today he was too tired. he also hasn't been with them for almost two months. The only time he really saw them was in history class, or sometimes in the hallways or at lunch. 

Stan put his head down into his arms on the desk. Soon he fell asleep.


"Stan!" Stan jumped at the sudden loud use of his name. "Stanley Marsh! Were you sleeping in my class?!" The teacher yelled.

Stan shrugged. "I guess so."

"Go to the principals."

Stan rolled his eyes but got up and walked to the principal's office.

"Stan?" She asked as he opened the door. She looked shocked to see him.


"What brings you here?"

"I got sent here for sleeping in class."

"Oh? Well, you can just sit over there." She points to a table with 4 chairs in the corner.

"Alright." He went to sit at the table, choosing the chair farthest away from the door and the principal. He wanted to avoid any possible conversation. He took out his phone and started scrolling on Instagram. He came across a picture of the goths smoking behind the school. He smiled, but it quickly faded when he saw a photo of Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny. They seemed to be having a lot of fun.. without him. It kind of hurt Stan to see them all so happy without him. He knew they didn't need him around. He knew it.

When the next period came, the principal released him. When he was walking through the halls, he saw his old friend group on their way to lunch. That's where he was headed as well, but decided to look for the other goth kids. He eventually ran into Michael. "Hey."

"Oh, hey Stan."

"I saw the photo. Didn't invite me?"

"Ah, yeah, sorry. You never say yes so we thought you wouldn't mind if we didn't ask this time.

"Fair, and I would join, but I'm more of a drinker."

"I see. Maybe we'll bring some drinks next time."

"That'd be cool."

Michael then nodded at Stan and walked away. Stan nodded back and headed to the cafeteria. Everyone already had their food and were sitting by their friends. Stan went to the line area to get food from Chef. "Hey Chef."

"Hello there Stan. How're you doing?"

"Eh," was all Stan said before heading out with his food. He looked for the rest of the goth kids, but didn't find them. So he sat at a table in the back corner alone. Well..


Stan looked up to see.. Wendy? They haven't spoken since they broke up. "Wendy?"

"Hey Stan."

"What are you doing over here?" 

"I saw you sitting alone again and I didn't want that."


Wendy sits down across from Stan. "So..." she starts.

"So what?" Stan seems confused.

"So anyone new?"


She scoffs. "Any new love interests?"

"Oh. No, not really."

"Stan, I know when you're lying to me, and when is now."

Shit. "Alright you got me. But I'm still not telling."

"But Staaaaan!" Wendy whined. "Pleeeaasee?"

"No, Wendy. Plus I'm not even sure about my feelings."

"Fine, but I will be bothering you later." She smiled.

"Alright." He smiled back.

They continued to eat until it was time to go.

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