dare 24

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Me: This is going to be fun. *teleports them all to the TFA universe*

Tfp Megatron: Who are you?!

Tfa Megatron: I am Megatron, who are you?!

Tfp Megatron: Impossible, I am Megatron!

Megatrons: *continue arguing*

Tfp Starscream: So what are your plans for overthrowing Megatron?

Tfa Starscream: Well, one is to throw a bomb at him.

Tfp Starscream: Already tried that, it didn't work. 

Tfa Starscream: Spacebridge explosion?

Tfp Starscream: No, he survived that. 

Tfa Starscream: How?

Tfp Starscream: Dark energon. 

Tfa Starscream: Then try getting it out of him. 

Tfp Starscream: Good idea, I think that we will get allong just fine. 

Tfp Airachnid: So you didn't willingly join the Decepticons? 

Tfa Blackarachnia: No and I absolutely hate my organic mode. 

Tfp Airachnid: It's not that bad I think. 

Tfa Blackarachnia: You obviously have no idea. 

Tfp Miko: You are a what?!

Tfa Sari: Techno organic. 

Tfp Raf: So you are part human part Cybertronian? 

Tfa Sari: That's correct. 

Tfp Jack: That's so cool.

Tfa Sari: Thank you.  

Tfp Laserbeak: <You poor excuse of a Minicon, you don't deserve my name!> 

Tfa Laserbeak: <How dare you?! At least I can transform!> 

Tfp Laserbeak: <Transforming into a guitar is hardly useful.> 

Laserbeaks: *Continue arguing* 

Tfa Soundwave: So you don't talk?

Tfp Soundwave using Starscream's voice: A vow of silence.

Tfa Soundwave: It seems so difficult. 

Tfp Soundwave: It is - not. 

Tfa Soundwave: Whatever. 

Tfp Shockwave: This is illogical. 

Tfa Shockwave: I agree. 

Tfp Shockwave: That is logical. 

Tfp Optimus Prime: So in this universe you are just another Prime?

Tfa Optimus Prime: Yeah pretty much. 

Tfp Optimus Prime: In my universe being a Prime is a title given by Primus only. 

Tfa Optimus Prime: That seems so terrible. 

Tfp Optimus Prime: It is actually not that difficult and not that bad. 

Tfp Ultra Magnus: So you are the leader of the Autobots?

Tfa Ultra Magnus: Yes, you aren't?

Tfp Ultra Magnus: No, Optimus Prime is my leader. 

Tfa Ultra Magnus: Then he must be different in your universe, here he is just another Prime. 

Tfp Ultra Magnus: In my universe he is the only Prime and a true leader. 

Tfa Ultra Magnus: I see, I understand why you follow him. 

Tfp Wheeljack: Do you like grenades?

Tfa Wheeljack: No, I am a scientist. 

Tfp Wheeljack: Boring. 

Tfa Wheeljack: Science is fun!

Tfp Wheeljack: Whatever. 

Tfa Bumblebee: You can't talk?! That must be so terrible. 

Tfp Bumblebee: :;I can talk, sort of.;: 

Tfa Bumblebee: Still, it seems so terrible. I would rather die before losing my voice. 

Tfp Bumblebee: :;That's a bit extreme don't you think?;: 

Tfa Bumblebee: Nope. 

Tfp Bumblebee: :;Right.;:

Tfp Arcee: So you are just a teacher? 

Tfa Arcee: Yes, what are you? A warrior? 

Tfp Arcee: Yes....

Tfa Arcee: I understand now.  

Tfa Ratchet: You look so young...

Tfp Ratchet: Well compared to you I do. 

Tfp Bulkhead: You can paint?! 

Tfa Bulkhead: Yes? Can't you? 

Tfp Bulkhead: No...

Tfa Bulkhead: Oh, well I am also the best spacebridge engineer. 

Tfp Bulkhead: What?! 

Tfa Bulkhead: Hehe. 

Tfa Cliffjumper: My counterpart from your universe is dead?!

Tfp Arcee: Sadly yes. 

Tfa Cliffjumper: Damn....

Tfa Jazz: So my counterpart is the Autobot leaders right hand but hasn't been seen in ages? 

Tfp Optimus Prime: Yes, I hope that he is okay. 

Tfa Jazz: Wow, never thought that I would be famous. 

Tfa Sentinel Prime: My counterpart was killed by Megatron?! 

Tfp Megatron: Heh, I enjoyed it. 

Tfa Sentinel Prime: *goes to cry in a corner* 

Tfa Jetfire: My counterpart is a famous scientist?! 

Tfp Wheeljack: Yeah, he is a great guy. 

Tfa Jetstorm: Why counterpart is a bounty hunting Minicon?! 

Tfp Shockwave: Last time we heard from him he still was. 

Me: Alright, time to go back everyone. *teleports eveyone back to their own universe* Hope you enjoyed and have a nice day. 

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