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The scene begins with all the Caretakers in the middle of town. "Ok! I think we should ask everyone in Poly about Pyrare!" Pentellow said while stretching, "*Yawn* Good idea..." Y/N said, still tired.

"Oh crap. Am I just realising? Where the heck is our Heroes?" Iris asked, "Oh I asked your Heroes to teach Cyan a few things to defend himself..." Cube replied, then Pentellow nodded and walked away, along with Y/N.

"Hope that's ok..." Cube asked Iris, "Yeah it's alright. At least they're doing something productive to occupy their time." Iris replied. "Come on guys! Lets start asking around!" Pentellow came back and said, then she walked away again.

The Group followed. The scene switched to the sky with H/N, Orange, Tsavorite, and Cyan. "Alright Cyan. Levitation is easy. It is the 'hands' we do not have in our second form." H/N said, "Yes! Just try to imagine you're reaching for something to pick up!" Tsavorite said.

"Ok! Cyan said, then he squinted past Tsavorite using his levitation power. Then he looked up, "Uh. What are you picking up?" Orange asked, "That!" Cyan said. H/N, Orange, Tsavorite turned around to see what he was picking up.

Then it showed Cyan and Cube's outlines made from the Poly Trees, "Whaaaooo." H/N, Orange, and Tsavorite said. While Cube was walking along, he saw the picture that Cyan had made and smiled.

"EMERGENCY!" A voice called, and the rest of the Caretakers popped into view. Two blue colored shapes ran into the village, "There's a corrupted flower from Paradise running around Poly Forest!" one of the shape yelled alerting all of the citizens.

"Everyone retreat to your homes!" the other shape yelled, "Ok. I think Pyrare can wait...This flower is a real problem...Let's ask about that..." Cube said, the Heroes came back down in their first form to each of their Caretakers.

"HEY YOU!" Y/N yelled, the two shapes stopped and turned their attention to the group, "Hi. um. We've been hearing about this corrupted flower and we're Caretakers." "And we might be able to help you with it..." Y/N said.

"Caretakers huh!? Well follow us then!" the male shape said.


The female shape lit a candle on a table, it glowed brightly, Y/N was leaning against a wall, Iris was leaning against the couch, Pentellow, Cube, and all the Heroes were sitting on a couch, the two other shapes were sitting on another couch on the opposite side, "Glad we met you all when this flower came out of nowhere" the male shape said, "This flower has intentions on attacking anyshape that has any part of the Tree of Life within them."

"Isn't the only shapes that's part of the Tree is the Heroes..?" Cube said worriedly, Iris shook his head to the side, Y/N just widened their eyes. "No Cube. Remember? You an I are connected. So you as a Caretaker is a part of the Tree of Life too." Cyan said, Y/N nodded at that comment.

"You're right little square. But it's not only just Heroes and Caretakers." the female shape said putting her hand around the male shape, "Anyshape that can fight contains a fragment of the Tree of Life." the male shape said, "WHAT!?" Cube, Cyan, and Pentellow exclaimed at the same time. "Yep! Shapes that fight are organized in certain groups depending on their skill level." the male shape said.

"With every member of a group. They form a full piece to give the Hero who owns the color." the male shape said, he was now holding one-third of a green triangle, "I SQUADRIL! AND I MARCLE!" they said, "ARE IN THE CHIPZEL GROUP!" they said at the same time.

- 𝐓𝐏𝐂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 - [HIATUS LIFTED]Where stories live. Discover now