Chapter 1

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Gas is what exterminated our world

Those of us who had been sheltered made it throughout the The Heat

The Heat is what they called it, it's a faze where any natural disaster passes through countries, cities even continents

The heat occurred every 24 hours
We never knew when it ended, all we knew was that one day, The heat would end

Or would we be the ones who ended?

"Megan!" someone shouted from outside the door

We took shelter in the Beverly Hills hotel on fifth street

If we were gonna die some day, Why not live in luxury while we were still alive?

"Megan, it's me, Rob" he knocked

"Come in" I say as he turns the door knob

"Hey Megs" he says closing the door behind him

"Hi" I mumble

"Are you okay?" He asks, concern in his eyes

I nod

"C'mon babe, I've known you for 5 years, dated you for 2, I can kinda tell when you're upset" he says smirking

I chuckle at his audacity

"I'm fine, just thinking about life before the heat" I say

"Don't worry, we'll make it" he says sitting next to me on the bed
"We've got 50 other survivors, We'll make it, I promise" he says kissing my hand

I smile at him

"I love you" I say leaning on his shoulder

he kisses my forhead

Out of all of us, we are 50 survivors for now, i say now because you never know In the heat

I could be snuggling with Rob in this moment, who knows, in the next 24hours we could both be dead

"Don't worry" he mumbles stroking my back

I look up at him admiring his features

Black hair with blonde highlights, his sculptured jaw line his... his blue eyes

And those lips

I find myself drawn to them, I turn his head to look at me

"How are we gonna survive" I ask him

he sighs

"To be honest, I don't know" he says

I stand up and walk to the bathroom leaving him on the bed

I splash my face with cold water, looking at myself in the mirror

I still look the same

My Raven black hair, Blue eyes and paler than usual skin

"Megs, I'm going downstairs for the meeting" Rob says

"I'll come" I say

"You sure, I--I know you're still sensitive about the change and stuff--" he says

"I'm coming" I cut him off

he nods before opening the door

We walk to the elevator, it opens and we press level 1 since we stay on level 6

the hotel itself has 16 floors which fits all if us 50 including empty rooms

he sighs

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, I'm just.... worried about you" he says

"about me, why?" I ask

The elevator dings before the doors open indicating that we've arrived on level one

The sounds of whispering and coughing fill the room

we walk into reception, seeing the whole 50 of them sitting around the room

Rob clears his throat

"Dear fellow survivors!" he begins aloud

"We have to get prepared for the next heat" he says

People complain and moan in fear and in anger

"Yes, yes, I understand, but we gave to get ready, if you wanna live?"

The complaining stops

I chuckle at the sudden pause

Rob flashes me a look which makes me keep quiet

And here I am standing next to him like a preachers wife

Rob has taken the role of the leader of our survival crew

he tells people what to do, how to do it, and when to do it


Well, I'm the nurse

since I studied as a nurse at UM I'm designated to be the healer

"So far we've had earthquakes, floods and Tsunamis" he says

"Luckily, we have not been badly affected due to the fact that we're right in the middle of Miami" he says

"But" he continues " you can never not be ready In the heat" he adds

"Because anything, and I mean anything can happen" he says in a serious tone

"We've tried to calculate what the next heat will be" he says

"And so far it looks like it's going to be a tornado" he finishes

the people scream and shout in anger

Complaining about how this is nonsense

"HEY! " I shout shutting them up

"it's not our fault that the world has ended up like this!" I add

I must look like a mad 22 year old girl shouting at a group of survivors

standing next to my 23 year old boyfriend

"So shut up, and get on with it, unless you wanna die!" I shout

"Okay, let's get ready" Rob says calming me down

the people stand and go to their stations to prepare for the next heat

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