The Hero Named Sportacus

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You had lived in a neighboring town from your uncle, who was the mayor of a Lazy Town.

You had been accepted to your dream job but it wasn't how you thought it would be like. Stuck in a rut, you told your uncle about your problems. Your uncle had offered you a job many times in the past but you had declined.

You had sent letters to your uncle telling him that you would take a vacation and visit him for the Autumn. He had sent back a letter telling you that your cousin had started living with him as well and that you guys would get along great. Which you guess was his way of saying that he was happy that you were going to live with him.

You were excited to see family since they had all moved away to far away places, your uncle and now your cousin Stephanie, were the only family you had that still lived near you. You've been so busy at work that it felt nice to get away and visit Lazytown.

You took a taxi ride and were dropped off in front of your uncle's house. You couldn't wait to see your uncle, you almost couldn't contain yourself.

"(Y/n)!" Your uncle stood in front with open arms.

"Uncle!" You dropped your luggage to give him a hug.

"My have you grown, it seemed like just yesterday that you were riding your bike with your training wheels." He looked at you from head to toe seeing that you were much taller than him. You couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah I'm sure dad would have loved to take a picture of when I fell off." You both laughed as he helped you bring your things in.

"Stephanie is out with her little friends but she will be home soon to greet you. Ooh, how exciting! It makes me feel like baking a cake to celebrate!"

"I'd love to help you out. But first, I'm gonna go put my things upstairs."

"Ah yes. I should have baked the cake before you arrived but I guess it worked out for the best." He continued to say to himself, not acknowledging you had said anything. That was very common for your uncle to be stuck in his own head so you didn't mind.

You ran to put your things upstairs. The room was cleaned out just for you and you had a nice view to the towns playground from here. You dropped your things and layed flat on the bed. "I could get used to this." You said to yourself.

It was a nice house your uncle owned, it reminded you of a similar one you used to live in as a kid. You entered the kitchen with your uncle already taking out the ingredients to add to the cake. Once he say that you were back, he grabbed an apron from behind him and handed it towards you.

"Here, so you don't get your nice clothes full of food." He hummed like he didn't have a care in the world while he continued to rummage in the fridge. Before you could put on the apron your uncle insists that you wear, you hear the front door open.

"Is that (y/n)!?" You heard Stephanie shout from the living room. You are not even halfway finished tying your apron before you are hit with a crushing hug. It almost knocked the wind out of you but you managed to hug back.

"Heyya cousin! What are you up to?"

"I was just playing with some of the kids in town. Sportacus suggested we play some soccer so I came in here to get the ball."

Sportacus. You've heard your uncle mention him a few times in his letters but you never thought that he would be in town right now.

"I used to be a pro at soccer when I was younger. Those were good times. I almost miss it."

"Well you could join us if you like. I'm sure Sportacus would love to meet you along with everyone else."

You giggled at the thought of you knocking over little kids with your skill but you looked over at your uncle who was preparing the batter for the cake.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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