🚨Lockdown (Minlix)

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-Top/dom Minho
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-1795 words


Felix pov

Felix was sat in class completely zoning out. He was waiting for the school alarm to go off for there practice drill.

Yesterday the principal had gotten all of the students into the hall and talked to them about how they were going to do a practice lockdown the next day.

They basically just went over what to do for half and hour, Felix wasn't really listening. He was to busy watching a certain senior who sat a few rows in front of him.

Minho. Minho was just one of those typical high school crushes that the blond pushes away. However there was something about the older which Felix's heart couldn't seem to let go.

Deciding he wanted to get out of here he put his hand up.

"Can I go to the bathroom please sir?"

The teacher gave a nod and turned back towards the board as Felix happily left the class.

He didn't need the bathroom, obviously. But he went there anyway, thinking he could touch up the small amount of makeup he had on.

However when he went to open the door to the bathroom he did not expect to see Minho crouched down against the wall, his phone in his hands.

Felix quickly started moving towards the mirror acting as though he wasn't just staring.

He started touching up his makeup trying not to look at the other through the mirror. Until he heard shuffling and Minho's voice break the silence.

"So, what class are you skipping right now?"

The younger silently chocked, trying to splutter out a response.

"Ah, history! I'm skipping history."

"Ah, I see, I never liked history either." Felix nodded.

"Your Felix, aren't you? Lee Felix? That one that came over from Australia with Chan?"

"Yeah, that's me, we used to go to school together." The older hummed.

He started to open his mouth but he was cut of by a horrible alarm sound.

"That must be the lockdown alarm. It's a bit early its not supposed to go off for half and hour!" However the older walked over and locked the bathroom door like they were instructed.

As quickly as the alarm started, it stopped leaving the boys in silence. Not knowing how long they would be stuck in the bathroom for. The blond went to take out his phone. But it wasn't in his pocket. He must have left it in his bag.

"Fuck, I left my phone in my bag."

"Oh I would offer you mine but it just died." The older explained.

"It's okay. I-" The sound of high pitched screams came from outside.

Felix shuddered. "Wha- what was that?" He jumped again as gunshots sounded.

"Oh shit!" Minho quickly grabbed the shaking younger and dragged him into a stall locking the door and standing on top of the toliet.

More shots could be heard and Felix started to sink down hugging his knees.

Minho went down with him, rubbing his back trying to comfort him. "Felix, can you stand up please." But all the younger did was jump as more gunshots were head.

Oneshots: Lee Felix // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now