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I just couldn't... I couldn't pull the trigger that day, Kenny practically forced me into Wellington. When I entered I knew it was a mistake, they were weak... Children my age playing outside acting like nothing was going on out there, they were going to die and... They did.

Diary Entry #1-
[16th April 2017]
Okay so what the actual fuck? This week was INSANE! For 3 days I have saw herds of walkers head towards the nearby sort of... Village type thing, its like they're following something. Tomorrow I might follow them for a short while... At least until I find out what they're following.
I'll write in you later... Um Diary?
I folded my crumbling, old diary up and placed it in my half- beaten to shit bag back i carried since a young child.
(I was almost fourteen yet still carried a bag that had a flower on it.)
I must have looked like a damn idiot; talking to a diary like it was a real thing but, I was lonely...

I picked up my rock solid bag back and walked over to the 'Safer Area' within' the shit smelling hut I was camping in, I lay the bag back on the floor before resting my head on it letting my trouble some thoughts drift me off into a very... Uncomfortable sleep.
Day #2
Voices, screams, cries for help... My name getting chanted over and over again...
"WAHHH!" I awoken covered on sweats and tears, my head was uncontrollably pounding....
Thank god I was safe.
This wasn't the first time I'd experienced dreams like this, it's like a repeated signal... For what? I had no Idea...
It was about 7 am, I had enough time to go on my Supply run and loot the village before noon, hopefully.

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