Part 1: the fire

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A fire broke out at the Abaddon-Inferno house. Paramedics, police, and firefighters flooded the entire street. It wasn't a very big street, maybe about 7  houses on each side. The people of Rose Marie Street were hit by tragedy. Yosemite Abaddon, a very trusted surgeon in the small town and father of 3, had gone mad. He bludgeoned his wife to death with the dull part of an ax. He struck her 37 times, smashing her skull in. She was barely identifiable. He swung and swung and swung until her head was completely smashed. Yosemite turns around to see his oldest daughter, Lilith, and youngest daughter, Dahlia, witness the entire murder. Lilith covered Dahlia's poor, scared eyes with her hands. She picks dahlia up and runs to their bedroom. She locks the door behind them. Yosemite tries to break down the door with the ax. Dahlia starts crying. Lilith holds Dahlia to her chest and comforts her.
"Shh. Its gonna be okay." Dahlia sobs even harder. Lilith kneels down in front of her and places both of her hands on her cheeks, making dahlia look at her.
"Dahlia. Look at me. Everything is going to be okay. Now is not the time to mourn. Now is the time to survive. I need you to go to Draven's room and wake him up. Dad can't get you. Draven and I will not let anything happen to you." Dahlia sniffles.
"Do you promise?" She says, wiping her face.
"I'm going to be honest with you. I can't promise anything. But I pinky promise, if you die, I will kill this motherfucker in your honor. Okay?" Lilith holds her pinky out.
"Okay" Dahlia nods and wraps her pinky around Lilith's.
"Now. You need to be brave, and go wake up Draven. For mom. For me." Lilith hugs Dahlia before leading her to the small door connecting the two rooms. Dahlia goes through the door as Lilith thinks of what she can do. Yosemite broke a hole through the door. Lilith pushes her vanity mirror in front of the door. She then crawls through the little door to Draven's room. Draven is disoriented and has no idea what is going on.
"What the hell is happening?" He asks sitting up in his bed.
"Dad just killed mom. We have to get Dahlia out of here." After hearing what Lilith said, Draven sprung up out of bed.
"What are we gonna do? We have to go quickly!" He says.
"I have an idea. I will distract dad. You get dahlia get the hell out of here. Mom is in the kitchen. Don't look at her body. That will foil the plan. You run straight out of the house, don't look back." Lilith explains.
"But what about you?" Draven asks.
"I'll be right behind you. But first." Lilith pulls her siblings in for a hug.
"I love you guys. No matter what happens, if I don't make it out of here, don't cry. Don't worry. I will always be with you guys." Lilith tears up.
"We love you too Lilith." Draven and dahlia both say in unison.
"Good luck. Don't die." Draven gives his sisters one last hug. The banging on the door stops. The little door slowly opens, revealing Yosemite on the other side.
"Holy shit. GO GO GO!" Lilith yells. Draven and Dahlia run out of draven's room. Yosemite pulls his head through the door. Lilith grabs the crow bar on the side of Draven's bed and bashes Yosemite in the face with it. Yosemite falls back in pain. Lilith gets out of the bedroom and runs along with Draven and Dahlia. Dahlia trips on a nail in the floorboards. Lilith tries running as fast as she can to help Dahlia up, but it's too late. Yosemite pops out of the kitchen doorway and plunges the ax through Dahlia's head.
"DAHLIA!" Lilith sees red. She is pissed. She remembers that they keep gasoline and some matches  by the fireplace but first, she has to disarm Yosemite. Lilith still has the crowbar in her hands. She runs towards Yosemite at full speed. She tackles him to the ground, causing the ax to fall out of his reach. Lilith gets up to grab the ax. She chops his leg, making him unable to move because of the pain. Yosemite's immobility gives Lilith just enough time to grab the gasoline can. She dumps all of the gas on Yosemite. He screams in pain as the gasoline gets in his 0pen wound. Lilith lights the match.
"This is for mom and Dahlia. And everyone you killed, you fucking monster." Lilith drops the match onto Yosemite. He is immediately engulfed in flames. He screams in pain as he burns. The fire glows in Lilith's eyes. The smell of burning flesh and wood begins to fill the air. Lilith bolts out of the house before the entire house catches fire. Lilith falls on the grass next to Draven. They both watch their house burn. Police, firefighters, and paramedic sirens sound the entire neighborhood. Lilith sits in the ambulance, watching the EMT's carry the bodies of what once was her family on a gurney. The bodies are covered in sheets as they are put inside an ambulance. Draven hops in the ambulance that they put Dahlia in. Draven is untouched and perfectly okay. He looks back at Lilith with sad eyes as the EMT closes the door.
"Can I take your statement please?" A police officer asks Lilith.
"My father and mother got into an argument in which my father bashed her head in with an ax while she was walking through the door back to her bedroom." Lilith informs him.
"Your name please?" He asks.
"Lilith Abaddon-Inferno" Lilith replies.
"The victims' names and ages, please?" He asks again.
"Amaris Inferno, 39. Yosemite Abaddon, 37. Dahlia Abaddon-Inferno, 12." Lilith says. The officer writes everything down on his notepad.
"Okay. We will keep in touch with you and your brother as we continue to investigate the scene." He walks away. Lilith's aunt, Trisha runs over to Lilith, crying heavily.
"OH MY GOD! Are you okay????" Trisha grabs onto Lilith's cheeks with both hands and kisses her forehead repeatedly.
"I killed him. I killed my dad." Lilith says, emotionless.
"I am so so sorry." Trisha holds Lilith's head to her chest as she (trisha) sobs uncontrollably.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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