The Monday Before Valentine

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It was the monday before valentine's day. Victoria's co worker, Lola walked from desk to desk stretching out a little red box to everyone in the office. Each employee's name was written on a folded piece of paper and placed inside this little box. On valentine's day in the previous years, all single employees in the company meet at a resort to eat, play games and between intervals, gossip and laugh at the couples who come around to have a date. But that year, the company decided to do something different. Everyone was to pick a name and present a gift to this person at the valentine's day party organised by the company.

Victoria was not happy about this. Other times, she could simply tell her coworkers she was going on a date and easily escape, but this time, choosing a name and going to the Valentine's day party was compulsory for every staff including those in a relationship. As she tried getting up from her seat in an attempt to feign using the restroom, Lola rushed to her desk and pushed her back down.

" Uh uh not so fast Victoria. You are going no where until you pick a name " said Lola while pushing the box towards her hands.

" I don't think I'll be around this... " She started before getting interrupted by her friend Jimi.

" She doesn't want to pick right? I'll help her pick " Jimi said and hurriedly walked towards the carton.

" Stop! I'll pick it myself " Victoria said and quickly grabbed a paper from the box.

" Always trying to dodge. You won't escape this time" Jimi teased.

" Yes no escaping and please be there with a gift for the person you picked " Lola said loudly as she walked away towards the next person.

Victoria reluctantly unfolded the piece of paper to reveal the name but before she could completely unfold it, Jimi grabbed it from her hands. He looked at the name on the piece of paper and squeezed his face.

" Jimi what are you doing? Give me back the paper " Victoria cried while trying to grab it back from him.

" Trust me you are better off gifting this person instead " Jimi said and pushed another piece of paper into her hands.

" Who is this? " She frowned and looked at the new piece of paper. She opened her mouth in schock as she saw the name.

Jimi grinned and nodded his head at her. Victoria rushed at him to collect the paper she picked originally but before she could, Jimi announced to the whole office that she picked the boss and everyone in the office roared in laughter and making statements like " Good luck in gifting that one ".

Victoria was unhappy because Jimi knew that she admired and had little feelings for their boss but he decided to put her in a tight spot and she wouldn't be able to get out of it now that everyone knows.

Victoria has had several conversations with their boss mostly about work. She loved that even as he was their boss at work, he chatted with them freely and at the same time was strict. His wit, dedication to work and charisma was what she admired the most about Henry... her boss. He was young and handsome so there was no crime in having a little crush on him right?

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