The Goodbye

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Summer went to the house but the house was not there. "Where did the house go?" Summer asked herself. Summer was confused and worried "Did they destroy it? what happened?" Summer asked herself. Summer slowly walked home and she could not stop thinking about how the house was gone. When Summer walked into her room she felt like someone was behind her and the only thing next to her was a hair brush, she grabbed the hair brush and turned around. She saw Stripes on the top of her toy box. Stripe looked at Summer and turned her head "What are you gonna do with a hair brush?" Stripes said. Summer stopped and was a little freaked out. Y-y-you can talk? Summer said, Yes,I can talk but I really only talk to people I trust, and I trust you. Stripes explained, oh ok Summer said, Yes, but were you gonna hit me with a hair brush? Stripes asked, "Um, No," Summer said and tossed the hair brush to the side. "Okay. then" Stripes said, "Anyways, why are you here and what happened to that house? '' Summer asked. Stripes looked down in sadness and said "I have to leave". Summer froze. " What, why, you can't leave, Spot needs you" Summer said with tears in her eyes, "He's yours now and I know you will take good care of him because you are the first person to ever come inside that house and you were not afraid to pet me. Also you didn't try to take one of my cubs from me" Stripes said going up to Summer. "Do you have to leave right now?" Summer asked, "well- '' Stripes was going to say before Summer cut her off, "Please just stay one more time, Please" Summer said and dropped to her knees, "Okay, fine but only one day ", Stripes said. Summer and Stripes spent the whole day together and Summer could not believe that she made friends with a tiger and she was the only person who could talk to Stripes. The time went by fast because you know what they say "Time flies by when you're having fun". The day was almost up. "Only a few more hours until I have to leave" Stripes said, "I know, but why do you have to leave?" Summer asked, "Because a tiger is after me and he is much more stronger than me." Stripes explained, "You don't have to leave, you can hide here" Summer said, "No because he will find me no matter where I go, we can smell out other tigers" Stripes said. Summer started to cry and leaned onto Stipes. "I wish I could stay but I don't want you to get hurt because he will kill anyone that is in his way and I know you will try to protect me" Stripes said. Summer's alarm went off and she looked at Stripes with tears in her eyes. "Goodbye, Summer" Stripes said, "No you can't leave, please stay, just one more day, Please" Summer said, "I love you and I always will" Stripes said, "Please" Summer said, crying, "Close your eyes" Stripes said, "What?" Summer said wiping her eyes and sitting up, "Close...your....eyes" Stripes said. Summer hesitated and took a deep breath then closed her eyes. "I love you and I will never stop" Stripes said. Summer was still sad and said "I love you too" then she opened her eyes and Stripes was gone. Summer would stay up in her room everyday and would not come out, not even to eat. "Summer, come on you need to eat something" Chole said. Summer would not answer the door for anyone, not even her best friend. "Summer, it's Alex" Alex said but no response. Chole would slide little bags of Oreos, goldfish, cheez-its and more, She was hoping that Summer was eating them. Summer kept remembering the day that it rained in the summer and Stripes, Spot and Summer was having fun. The day that it rained and it was Summer and Stripes first rainy day, Summer would not stop bugging Stripes until she went outside and played in the rain. Stripes would sneak up on Summer and throw water at her and they had a water fight, by the time the rain stopped they were both soaking wet. Summer loved Stripes as a sister even though she didnt know Stripes for that long but she really missed Stripes . "Summer, I need to tell you about something" Chole said, "It's about Stripes she said. Summer heard the name Stripes and stop but as Chole was about to walk away from the door, Summer unlocked it and they sat down. "I'm sorry I kept this a secret" Chole said, "What is it?" Summer said in confusion, "I'm not your real mom" Chole said. Summer froze "What?! Why didn't you tell me this before?" Summer asked, "Because Stripes asked me not too" Chole said. Summer stopped and stared, "Why would Stripes not want you to tell me that you weren't my real mom?" Summer said, "Because she wanted you to have a normal life with human parents?" Chole noted, "Stripes is your real mother," Chole said and pulled out a picture of Summer with Stripes when she was a baby. "She found you when you were just a baby and a tiger would have killed you if she didn't take you. She was only gonna keep you for a few days but you and her grew a relationship until your father found out that Stripes had a human baby because your father hates humans. Stripes knew she had to do something and I knew her at that point, so she came over to my house and told me to raise you and to protect, so that is why I havent told you." Chole said. Summer sat there in shock for a few minutes, "Who's my father" Summer asked, "I don't know because your father hates human so I could not meet him" Chole said, "But why did she take me, she could've left me" Summer said, "Stripes has always wanted a human baby and no other human was near, it was like you actual parents left you" Chole said. "You should get some sleep because you haven't got any sleep the last few days, Goodnight Sweetheart" Chole said and tucked Summer in and went to bed. Summer finally got some sleep and when she woke up she saw Stripes at the end of her bed. She jumped up and ran over to Stripes. "You're back" Summer said

To Be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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