Interesting x meetings

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A Light sounds of voices could be heard throughout the underground tunnel. People from far and wide all cramped into the tunnel waiting for the infamous hunter exam to begin and waiting to see what talent this years exam would attract. Ding.... The elevator rang attracting the attention of almost everyone in the room. A boy with bright orange hair and dressed in traditional Japanese clothing with a katana attached to his left hip stepped out of the elevator.

The 278th hunter exam

The young boy scanned the room with his olive green eyes, before he felt a tap on his leg. "Please take your number" a little green man said. The boy looking down at the man turned his gazed to the white pin in the man's hand. As the boy took it he look at what was written in the pin. 228. He looked back down at man and expressed his thanks and give him a closed eye smile and walked off, slipping the cold metal pin into his kimono.

As boy continued his wandering, he found a somewhat comfortable spot to rest after his long journey to the exam site. Once he sat down the boy pull out a book of haiku's and started to read. He only got through a couple of poems, when a voice called out to him.

" Hello there you look new here" a rather short and portly looking man said looking down at the young boy. " your deduction is correct" the boy stated while standing up to give the portly man a proper greeting.

"My name is Tonpa, what's yours?"

"Oh, Furukawa Hazuki.....or you can just call me Hazuki". The boy bowed as he stated his name.

"Oh it's nice to meet you Hazuki, wanna drink".

Tonpa immediately holds out a soda can in the orange haired boy's face, shaking it little like he was trying to get a baby's attention. " oh um no thank you Tonpa sir. I have my own drink in my bag." He replied sheepishly while slowly walking away from the man. Soon he disappeared into the crowd, displeasing Tonpa as the man gritted his teeth.


After the encounter with Tonpa, Hazuki continued to wander around the area looking for a new place relax while he waited for the exam to start. While being lost a bit in his thoughts he continued to wander aimlessly around the area. He suddenly bumped into someone or thought it felt like a wall.

" oh are you okay" a young voice asked

"Ah, yes I am fine, apologies for not noticing you".

The orange haired boy looked up at the source of the voice, which was a young boy with amber eyes and black hair. The black haired boy was holding out a hand toward Hazuki " here let me help you up".

" Thank you, again I apologize for bumping into you."
"Oh no it's fine. Anyway I'm Gon and this is Kurapika and Leorio". Gon happily stated as he pointed to the respective people behind him.

" Hello Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio, my name is Furukawa Hazuki.....errr you can just call me Hazuki".

" Oh well it's nice to meet you Hazuki" leorio greeted
"Yes it's a pleasure" kurapika said.

After a while a familiar voice was heard from the crowd. "Hello, there boys, you look new here."

"You can tell it's our first time here"? Gon asked

The stubby man nodded his head on agreement. "Well it comes with the territory! I have tried 35 times to pass this exam."

"35 TIMES"! Gon Kurapika and leorio said simultaneously

"That's quite a large amount of tries"! Hazuki stated

After while of conversing with tonpa a blood curdling scream could be throughout the room. Hazuki alarmed covered his ears as quickly as possible, any sooner and his ears would have started to bleed. Looking for the source of the scream he spotted a man, whose arms had suddenly turned flowers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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