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SAIKI AND HIS CRUSH WERE, just casually talking with one another until they both stopped once they felt another presence approaching them. The pink haired teen was already annoyed even though he didn't even see who it was that had interrupted his time with his crush.

Y/N turned her E/C eyes away from the male beside her and let her eyes land on the person that stood in front of them.

She didn't say anything, all she did was glare, silently waiting for whatever the blue haired woman had to say.

Teruhashi didn't have a smile on her face once her eyes also moved onto Y/N. She was furious.

Squinting her eyes, Teruhashi smirked at the female, "Hey, you..!"

"Yes?" Y/N mumbled as she folded her hands together and tilted her head.

Saiki stared at them both, not sure if he should say something or not. The male really didn't want anything else to happen inbetween them, but he also wanted to see where this went.

The pink haired man propped his chin up on the palm of his hair as he stared at Teruhashi.

Teruhashi cleared her throat, "What are you both doing here? I.. thought you both kind of switched your lunch periods or something, haha..."

"Nope, we've just been.. you know.. here, I guess." Y/N replied, no amusement shown on her face.

"Yeah, I got that now, thank you Y/N," Teruhashi giggled, playing it off like she didn't hate the woman.

When nobody else said anything, Saiki finally spoke up and had something to say. The male wanted more time with Y/N so he was glad to say something that would get Teruhashi away. He felt their time together was already wasting due to the blue haired female.

"Well, me and Y/N would like to continue talking, if that's okay with you." He said sarcastically.

"Y-Yeah Saiki! That's perfectly fine!"

Teruhashi watched the other woman turn back to Saiki with a sour look on her face. She clearly didn't like Teruhashi, and since she didn't like her, Saiki didn't either.

Saiki looked dead into Teruhashis eyes with a bored look on his face, "Alone."

A small frown appeared on her lips. "What?"

The two friends just stared at her, patiently waiting for her to leave and go to her own table. Y/N knew she didn't even want to talk to them, she knew was just there to claim Saiki.

"Uh- oh, wait! I actually have something to tell you Saiki!" Teruhashi leaned over to the boy as if she wasn't invading his space.

The teen visibly grimaced as he moved his head back so his skin wouldn't make any contact with the other womans.

He looked her up and down as she leaned back, obviously embarrassed, "Don't do that again."

Y/N tried not to laugh at the small thing that just went down. Saiki was so blunt and his monotone voice really put the whole thing together. It definitely was enough to make her burst out into a fist of laughter but she couldn't, that'd be to awkward for her.

"Sorry Saiki..." Teruhashi tried to laugh it off like she wasn't dying inside, "But- yeah, I have something to tell-"

"Could that wait, please? It's just.. we're talking about something really important here."

The woman's smile faltered once she heard those words leave her crushes mouth. "Oh... What are you guys... Talking about? I wanna know!"

"Nah, it's very personal," the other girl lied as she placed her hand on the boys shoulder with a slight chuckle.

Teruhashi then gasped when she saw that action. She believed that confirmed all of her suspicions. "You!"

Y/N stared at the finger that was pointed at her, "Uh.. me? What about me?"

Saiki didn't like the way the girl threw that finger at her. He thought she was going to attack her then and there so he had his guard up high.

He tensed up and puffed his chest out while he glared at Teruhashi.

He also didn't enjoy how Y/N was just laughing in her face acting like all of this was some little game.

"You're Saikis secret girlfriend!!" She whisper yelled to Y/N.

Y/N stopped laughing and mumbled something under her breath while slumping in her seat.

Even though her and Teruhashi weren't on the best terms, she still did feel really guilty about kissing him. Especially since she knew that Teruhashi was madly in love with him.

"I'm.. not.." that was true. Her and Saiki weren't dating at all, they were taking things slow.

Reaching her hands up to her hair, Teruhashi started to grip it tightly as she stared at Y/N in disbelief. Now she knew that it was true, just by the look on her face.

She let her hands drop to her sides and looked at Saiki. His face was different, he looked mad. Really mad.

She couldn't tell what was going through his mind. He looked livid.

Am I really bothering them that bad..? No, I need to keep asking about it and get the truth out of Y/N.

"You snake!"

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