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my name is Alice I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences; it wasn't

something you ever think it would be oddly inevitable, though facing death again. but when

you love someone you do anything for them, it all started in London, the year was 2015 and it

was raining ,i was on my way Home from a friends house when it started to rain i was waiting

under a bridge. when a big flash of light showed up, it was blue and bright with lighting flash, i

ran up to see what it was, as i drawe nere there a man laying on the floor out cold smoke

coming off him, i don't know how i did it but i drag him to the bridge. i don't think he was from

earth i think he is alien but a good looking one, there are things out there, i don't understand i

have thought to myself there is life out there,as i nealt down to take a good look all i could say

was he look like an angel he had dead black hair very tall and slender body his skin is white

as snow he didn't look two good,i got my phone out to call a taxi, the taxi came the driver help

me to put him in the car i told the taxi driver he had too much to drink, he help me to put him

on the bed i gave him some money for the taxi it a good job i live on my own, I went into the

kitchen to get some hot water, then took it up stars to the bedroom, he look all wet and cold i

undress him got his funny clothes off, he's white all over him nice body too, he was shaking

all over him, i clean myself up clean clothes on then went back to him, I cleaned his body all

over him his man hood is big my eyes pop out of my head nearly, if you know what i mean,

his lips look like they could be kiss all the time i would love to get my lips on them as i look

two fangs had come out on the side of his mouth, that when it came to me a vampire owe

god, i've always loved the films but actually to meet one, I didnt think would happen to me.

when i've read up on them he needs blood? i ran down stairs to get a knife and ran back up.

most people would have ran away but i didn't, I slit my wrist blood started to come out of my

arm I open his mouth and pore my blood down him. it look like he was drinking it I got a bit

weak and dizzy , I colapsed on the bed with him i just hope he doesn't kill me. I smelled a

very sweet smell it came by my side, all these memories came to me. they aren't my

memories. someone has given them to me i could taste it the blood it was sweet. i could

smell a strange yet luring smell of someone by my side, I open my eyes and i felt all her

memory from childhood up to when i picked her up and brought her here, the vampire barely

conchous he heavily opened his eyes and began moving his plump lips to ask me 'how did

you know i am a vampire arr..' i poited at his mouth and replied 'those there' to which he said 'oh so that it my teeth came out you must be brave to see that and not freak out'

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