¹¹ Reveal

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Mickey had killed Hallie, but Sidney managed to survive. "So, I'll tie up Derek while you invite your two friends, Billy and Stu, so they see the ending of a sequel." Mickey grins, patting my back with a chuckle. He leans against the wall. "Do you like killing people, Y/N?" he asks me. I think for a while. "Yes. I thought that I would've regretted it, but now I like how everyone is scared of me, and how they run and scream." I reply.

"Slashergirl" Mickey grins devilously.

"I like that name." I say.

"Now, you go and get your two friends and I'll set up the stage."


I knock on Billy and Stu's dormitory, and they're sitting on a bed, whispering to eachother. "Billy, Stu." I wave. "Are you talking about how hot I am?" I tease, leaning against the doorway. "Of course not, babe. Why aren't you in the hospital?" Billy asks. "Oh, they let me out because my wounds are fine." I lie. "Anyways, I have this rehearsal thingy goin' on, so do you want to maybe see it?" I ask.

"Uhh.. Billy, do you wanna go?" Stu asks his bestfriend. Billy smacks Stu's arm. "Of course I fucking do." he scoffs, standing up. He yanks his black hoodie off of the door handle, slipping it on.

(I can't imagine Billy wearing a black hoodie lmao)

"My acting is pretty shit, by the way." I say, giggling a little. "Mine's worse." Stu whines.

"You made Tatum think that you actually loved her, dumbass." I hiss. Stu slings his slender arm around my shoulder. "Maybe I did love her, though?" 

"Oh, okay then." I murmur, rolling my eyes. playfully.

Finally, we reach the drama hall. "Okay, you two sit down there." I order, raising my eyebrows with a smirk. They sit in the front row, chuckling a little. Then, I step onto the stage and shut the blinds before I put on my Ghostface costume. I look at Derek's body, that was tied up to a star. It looked hilarious. Sidney rushes into the room. "Fuck." she curses. "Derek!" she yelps, sprinting over to him. Sid doesn't even notice me. I take this moment to hide.

"Hmm.. Thank God, thank God. I thought I was going to be up there till opening night." I hear Derek murmur. "Shit, untie these." Sidney curses. "Derek, he's after me. He's killed Hallie."

"What are you talking about?"

"The killer, he's here."


"Right here." Mickey grins.

I open the blinds, so now Billy and Stu can see. I walk up to Mickey standing next to him. Billy runs up onto stage, staring at both of Mickey and I. "E-Ethan?!" Sidney growls. "Where's Ari, where's Ari?" he hastily asks.

"Right here." I say.

His head snaps to me.

And I take off the mask.

Billy's lips curl in a smile.

Like he's proud of me.

"Ari." Sidney whispers.

"Ari? Ari? Who's that?" I chuckle. "I can't see an Ari anywhere."

"W-Who really are you? Is your name even Ari?!" Sidney hisses.

"I'm not Ari. I'm Y/N L/N." I state proudly with a bow. Stu arrives on stage, standing next to Billy.

"Y/N.. You fucking traitor!" She yells. "Who's the other one?!" Sidney asks, a raging fire in her eyes.

Mickey takes off his mask. Stu and Billy gasp. "Mickey." Sidney murmurs.

"Surprise, Sidney."

I push Mickey aside, and I approach Billy, kissing his cheek. "Can you guess who this hottie is?"

"B-Billy.. The sick pyscho who framed my fucking father!" She hisses, attempting to throw a punch at Billy, but I stab her in the shoulder before we can.

"Correct, good job." I smile as she stumbles to the ground, shakily getting back up to her feet.

"I'm fucking proud of you, Y/N. But I'll let you do the job, you're the killer not Stu and I this time." he smirks, dragging Stu aside.

"S-Stu?!" Sid gasps.

"Who's St-"

Derek is shot in the chest. "Glad to get that annoying fucker out the way." Mickey grins. "Derek!" Sidney yelps, holding his wound, but he's already dead.

"How sad, an innocent guy like Derek had to die, you know. All because he doesn't do his research on horror movies! I knew Billy and Stu were the killers a week after the massacre." Mickey explains, licking some blood of his knife.

"Hi, Sidney!! Long time no see!" Stu exclaims, a petrified Sidney turning to him.

Sid turns to us. "Watcha looking at, Prescott? Sad how your old bestfriend turned into a murderer?" I ask. She shakes her head and steps back.

"You were a victim, Y/N. How could you?!"

"I guess Mickey here just changed me." I reply, shrugging with a sick grin.

Mickey and I exchange items. "Billy, help me out." I say. He turns to me, a smirk on his face. He shakes his head. "I want to watch, sweetheart. I'll join in next time."

"Derek is exactly the guy you'd like to take home to mum, if you had a mum." Mickey states, approaching Sidney and pointing the knife at her. "Fuck you!" she shouts.

"Oh, so vulgar!"

Billy lets out a chuckle.

"W-Why the fuck did you take Y/N, Billy and Stu?! You ruined her. Now look at her, she's turned into a mur-" Sid is cut off.

"Actually I changed her into a murderer." Mickey states.

I stand next to Mickey. "You're both pysch-"

Laughing maniacally, I stab her in the stomach oncs more. "Gotcha, again!" I chuckle.

"Pyschotic? Say that to Billy and Stu." I grin.

"That's my girl." Billy says.

I wink at him.

"F-Fuck you all!" Sidney curses, holding her two stab wounds.

Suddenly, the door opens, revealing Gale Weathers. "Sidney!" she gasps. Mickey points the gun at her. "Who said that you could be here, Gale?" he asks. "Get out my fucking way!" she hisses, pushing him away.

"Ari?" she asks.

"You mean Y/N L/N." I grin.

"Y/N-?" Gale is cut off by Mickey knocking her over.

I can tell that Stu and Billy are enjoying the show. "Pyschos!" Gale yells, rising herself on her feet and helping Sidney stand up. She holds Sidney's injured stomach.

"Every movie's gotta have a sequel." Mickey states, mimicking what Stu said a year ago.

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