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Edward looked at Madison than his daughter. Victoria isn't really coming after Madison as she wasn't there when James died. He had a decision to make. He wasn't going to fight in that battle. Madison, Carrie, and his unborn baby are important. Since today is graduation, Edward was going to give her a ring as they are already engaged.

"Edward?" He looked at Charlie. "I see she's still asleep."

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." He says. "What's it about?"

"I want to travel with Madison and Carrie." He says. "I want to focus on her, our daughter and the baby."

Charlie smiled. "Don't get eloped and we're fine."

Edward chuckled. "To your surprise, we haven't even discussed it as Madison doesn't care when. I guess if the time is right. I don't know, but we will get married, just not right now."

"You have plenty of time to marry my daughter."

Edward saw Madison standing there with Carrie in her arms. "That I do."
Madison sat beside her sister. "He wants to leave Forks. Just us, Carrie and this little one."

"Really? What about Victoria?"

Madison actually shrugged as she doesn't have no idea. She knew Alice saw someone coming for Kayden, but she wasn't going to get into when Bella finds out. She saw Edward looking at her causing her to smile. Her life was complete. They were leaving so they could focus on their daughter and their second child. "Madison Swan."

Edward watched Madison walk up on stage and took her diploma. He watched her walk off stage causing him to walk over to her. She stopped as he gave her something. She looked at it to see a ring. "I told you..."

"I know you said yes and that you don't need a ring, but I wanted you to have something that symbolizes our love." He says kissing her. "Instead of heading home, let's get a head start on our plans."


As the others were told to toss their caps in the air, Madison and Edward shared a kiss. Charlie smiled as this was it. His little girl was leaving, but she will be back. He knows she will. 

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