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Coiny's POV

"Wh.. when did it all go so wrong?!?!"

Well, let's take a step back, shall we? My mother, and.. a specific someone's mother, we're once very close friends. They would do everything together. They were each other's maid of honor at their respective weddings. So, when my mother gave birth to me one year after her friend, they wanted them to be just as close as they were.

Me.. and Firey. We were practically INSEPARABLE!!! We had so many good times together!! How I wish I could go back.. We would laugh, share treats, play together.. and so much more..

It all started on a normal summer day. Firey and I were around 7-8 years old outside in the hot burning sun. I was in the shade, but since Firey Is a literal fire human he's not affected. I had a water gun to sometimes shoot water at myself to cool down, and he was running in the sun telling a story. I got excited. He was excited to. I wasn't paying attention. IT'S NOT MY FAULT??

"And then, guess what happens!?" Firey said all jittery.

"Duck!!" I screamed out.. before shooting water at him.

He moved quickly, but the mental and emotional effect that it had on him was the same.

"DUDE?? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" He screamed at me, his hair bursting into a flame.

The only reason his family's hair would turn into flames is because they got embarrassed, or extremely angry. And I activated Firey's.

"I- I DIDN'T MEAN IT!! I WAS DISTRACTED AND- AND-" I was stumbling on my words. I was trying to explain to him that I didn't mean it, but I was too late.

"No, no I get it. You 'forgot' didn't you? That water literally kills me?? And my family? Hah, yeah, totally." He said sarcastically.

"NO!! I- I SWEAR I-" Before I could explain to him, he went inside to tell his mother.

His mother and mine started fighting. We were separated. I didn't want to look like the weird person in the situation wanted to make it all up so I just went with it. I acted like I hated Firey, maybe too far. Because of me, we started getting physically violent, even at school.

I regret it so much. I'm sorry.

Teehe... I've had this in a document from for a while, I'm so excited to finally get it out..

Words: 388

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