Chapter 1, Hubris

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After everything the two of you had been through, you couldn't believe it got to this.
He didn't even stop as your face twisted in pain.
"I guess you don't care enough about curing this as I do."
"Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't be here helping you-"
"Helping? You're working with a goblin!"
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you gave a heavy sigh, which Sebastian usually noticed was the time to stop. This wasn't one of those times.
"How could you work with a goblin after they cursed Anne?!"
"The same way I'm helping you after you used crucio on me!" You snapped, glaring right back into his eyes. "Besides one goblin cursed Anne, not ALL of them. And on top of all of that, I have more on my plate than five years worth of school work, extra assignments to catch up, helping you find a cure or every other thing people ask me to do, okay? So, if I have to do things you don't agree on, I'm sorry, but I'm not doing them to spite you. I'm trying to stop a goblin from enslaving the whole wizard world, while dodging Rookwood and Harlow. I understand your desire to cure Anne, I do, but getting angry at me for trying to save EVERYBODY the only way that's presented is a little self centered."
"Is it? Because as far as I can tell, you're unwillingness to help us self-centered too."
You refrained from trying to strangle him as you threw your hands in the air. "Fine Sebastian, believe what you want. It's not my job to change it. Walk your own path."
You turned on your heel to leave, but he caught your arm.
"Wait. I'm sorry-"
"No you're not," you hissed shoving it away. "You just don't want me to leave. But, I'm tired of being used and manipulated. I can't do it anymore."
You left the undercroft, nearly walking into Ominis while you climbed out of the clock.
"Oh, sorry."
His head cocked in your direction. "What happened?"
Letting out a sigh, you started down the corridor to go to the next class as he moved into the clock.

You sat with Natsai and Poppy for Potions class, getting the attention of all your friends, you heard them whispering, but were grateful they didn't ask you directly.
You continued to work on your potions homework before someone tapped your shoulder, drawing your eyes to Poppy.
"Here," she said holding out a folded parchment.
Sighing you took it from her and opened it seeing Sebastian's hasty handwriting.

I would like to talk later. Meet me tonight in the undercroft.

You looked over your shoulder, seeing him already watching you, with Ominis giving him a scolding.
You looked back at your cauldron as you stuffed the note into your pocket.
"You're mad at him?" Poppy asked, trying to be as quiet as possible.
"I'm always mad at him lately," you admitted, stirring your potion.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Their eyes watched as you ran a hand through your hair, your tell tale sign that it's too stressful. "No, I really don't. I don't even want to talk to him about it."
"Then don't go," Imelda replied, overhearing as she grabbed an ingredient from the shelf nearby. "If he's stressing you out this badly, it's best if you distance yourself until you feel up to it. Otherwise you're catering to him and letting him know you'll forgive him no matter how he makes you feel. Then, he'd never stop, because you'd already established he can get away with it."
Groaning, you let your head drop to the table loudly.
"What is going on over here?" Professor Sharp asked walking over.
"Nothing professor," Poppy said quickly.
A hand rested on your shoulders, so you lifted up to look, seeing Professor Sharp.
He took one look at you and sighed. "Go to nurse Blainey, you don't look so well."
Confused, you didn't argue as he moved away.
"Just go," Poppy said politely, stopping you from putting up your stuff.
"We'll bring it to you later," Natsai agreed.
Nodding, you moved to leave, ignoring Sebastian who was watching you.
Walking felt like it was draining your energy, so you used floo flames to get to the hospital wing.
Where nurse Blainey immediately had you lay down on a bed to take a nap, saying something along the lines of looking like the dead.
As soon as you laid down, exhaustion won.

Hearing pages turn, you dreaded opening your eyes, thinking Sebastian was reading beside you, but a low gravely hum told you it was Professor Fig instead.
Slowly, you looked his way, getting his attention almost instantly.
"Ah, you've awoken. It seems you're over doing it with the nightly escapades."
His tone was teasing, but there was a note of worry to it.
"I'm fine professor, just haven't been sleeping lately," you admitted, only half-lying.
Using some truth as a foundation for your lie, he bought the excuse.
"Are we over doing things? Do you need a little bit to recover? I can explain things-"
"No sir, it's alright. I feel better now that I've rested."
Another half-truth. Your body was fine, but your mind was still heavy.
"You know you don't have to take everything on your own. You're just one person."
Nodding, you sat up. "I should get to the common room."
He stood up and grabbed his book. "I'll walk you. The last thing you need is a prefect giving you detention for walking around after hours."
Giving a soft laugh, you moved to fall into step beside him.
"Are you sure you're doing alright?" He frowned when you looked up at him. "It's just, I know a lot has been placed on your shoulders. I worry it may be too much."
"Not at all sir," you replied softly. "Like I said, I'm just not sleeping well."
He nodded, though still seemed unsure.

Natty met you in the common room the next morning, her eyes moved around your face.
"You still look terrible."
Chuckling you took the books she held out for you. "Thanks and good morning to you too."
"How about we go to Hogsmeade today?"
Blinking you met her gaze. "What about classes?"
The concern broke into full blown panic. "It's the weekend."
"Oh," you whispered before chuckling to make it look innocent. "Let me put this away, then sure."
"We can invite Poppy too." She mentioned following you. "Garreth too, he was talking about needing something from Hogsmeade."
It might be nice to have a day away from ancient magic, the keepers, Sebastian and his need for dark magic.
You chuckle as you put the books onto your bed. "Are you trying to make up for lost time?"
She snickered. "Might as well, right? None of us have anything to do, right? Let's go have fun."
Nodding, you looped your arm through hers and began down the stairs together, though you had to go through the tunnel one by one.
"There you are."
It was like being brought back into the pit you'd just dig yourself out of as you met Sebastian's gaze, while he pushed himself off the wall. "We really need to talk-"
Natty moved over, grabbing your arm again. "She has plans today, excuse us."
Blinking you've never heard her speak so strongly before, unless it was directed at Rookwood and Harlow.
Sebastian was right to appear startled, but when he turned the glare onto you, it stopped any guilt from manifesting.

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