Chapter - 6

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Nobody's POV:

"her blood tastes like shit.. bleh" Minho was digging his fangs into a girl's neck who was drunk and was walking around carelessly in the alleyway, she probably came from a nearby club.

It was 2 in the morning when Minho went out hunting for blood when he was hungry the thing he does almost everyday. Minho was wearing a black hoodie with the hood on, black pants and a black mask to hide is identity, he only took his mask off when he was drinking blood.
(he is in his emo era.)

Minho teleported the girl to his basement where he keeps all the dead bodies at.

Minho POV:

I was roaming around when i suddenly smelled blood, but the blood smelled different compared to others, the smell was so sweet and delicious.

I followed the smell changing paths in between. I went closer and closer and the smell got stronger and stronger so i knew they are somewhere near me. I saw a boy sitting on the ground leaning to the wall but he was injured, his arms were bleeding his upper body was full of scars and yep the sweet smell was definitely from him.

I went closer to him, he looked like he was abused by someone, there is no way he would do this to himself right? Unless he is crazy.

I touched his shoulder and teleported us to the basement still in the same position he was in, leaning to the wall while sitting down.

I can use him as a blood supply, but first i must gain his trust, thats gonna be easy he looks pretty inoccent so it wont be that hard right??..

I locked the door so he doesn't escape. Right after i left the dark basement, i went to the bathroom to shower as i was covered in blood splatters all over my clothes and some on my face. After i freshened up i put on a black sweater paired with dark grey sweatpants.


It has been 1 hours and 30 minutes and Seungmin still has not woken up yet. Minho was in the living room watching TV. He checked up on Seungmin every thirty minutes just to check if he is awake or not. He started to get impatient that he just gave up checking on him.


Nobody's POV:

"When will you wake up!?" Minho started to get frustrated that he yelled so loud, loud enough for the whole house to hear him.

He was currently in the basement facing the table with his hands on it, head hung down looking at it.
(the table)

Just then Seungmin woke up but he scrunched his nose, tightly shutting his eyes with his hand on his head.

" head.." Seungmin groaned. As soon as Minho heard the voice he turned around to look at him. "Well look who's finally awake" Minho rolled his eyes. Seungmin looked at Minho, his eyes were wide open. Seungmin's eyes wandered around the basement he saw dead bodies, skeleton parts and blood splatters everywhere. He didn't dare to reply to him, he does not talk much to anyone. Minho walked closer to Seungmin and Crouched down to take a look at his injuries, he tried to grab Seungmin's arm but he quickly pulled away his arm quickly. Minho sighed "Show it to me" Minho stared deep into his eyes, "Why should i show my injuries to a random stranger who kidnapped me and is probably going to kill me" Seungmin rolled his eyes. Minho forcefully grabbed his arm, Seungmin tried to pull his arm away but his grip was too tight he couldn't. Minho touched the bleeding spot but Seungmin flinched and hissed.

Minho stood up letting go of his arm, "What's your name?" Minho asked but there was no reply. "Alright." he then teleported both of them to a spare guest room "WHAT THE FU-"
before Seungmin can complain, Minho covered his mouth with his hand.

A/N: their not on the floor, Seungmin is sitting on the bed while Minho is standing in front of him

"Shhh.. i will tell you later, or maybe not.." He mumbled the last part and took his hand off Seungmin's mouth he became quiet, luckily the younger boy didnt hear what the elder said.

" did you get hurt?" Seungmin was looking every where but at Minho, He was traumatized of the horrible experience "I-.." the younger boy paused and looked down at his lap. The room was silent for awhile, Minho didn't ask him the second time as he knew Seungmin was uncomfortable and came back towards him with a first aid kit, the aid kit was dusty, very dusty because it was left untouched for a few years as Minho barely uses it.

He sat down next to Seungmin and cleaned up the blood with a cotton. Minho was surprised that he was actually doing this, but it might help with gaining his trust right? but he did teleport himself and Seungmin to this room without even thinking about the consequences.. that definitely must have exposed Minho. On the other hand Seungmin was staring at Minho helping him with his injuries 'maybe he isn't that bad after all?..' Seungmin thought to himself. Minho could read minds when he is standing close to the person, 'I think i gained his trust just a bit.. this is going to be so easy for me to use him.. but how come he didn't think about me teleporting or my basement which looked like a horror movie set-up? is he that stupid' Minho thought to himself and smirked.

"You should take a bath." Minho recommended. "But.. why are you taking care of me, aren't i a stranger to you? oh wait.." Seungmin gasped, "DIDN'T YOUR BASEMENT HAVE DEAD BODIES? AND DIDNT YOU FUCKING TELEPORT ME TO THIS ROOM?" the younger was screaming across the room, he is loud, but he just doesn't show it to anyone. "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!?" Minho yelled at the younger, he was definitely regretting the choice he made on kidnapping Seungmin. Again there was awkward silence in the room. (🤦‍♀️)

Seungmin POV:

Oh shit what did i get myself into? my house is way better then this.. Maybe i should run? but how. I can't walk, how am i going to escape this hell hole. This guy definitely wants to kill me he is NOT innocent and i shouldn't trust him, I dont even know his name, he definitely kidnapped me, am i going to die now? i mean i will be happy if i do- but what about Felix? maybe he left me already, i haven't seen him for days. But damn he screams so loud that my ears are going to bleed, i should never make him mad again.

wait maybe i can stay here until i am able to walk and run then escape out of this place. But wouldn't that be a bad idea? he might find me and kill me right in the spot.

Its not like i care if i die...

A/N: forgot to tell yall, Minho cant read Seungmin's mind as he is far away from him. Aishh my fingers are so tired rn- i hope i can write more in this chapter.

But he might turn into a monster and kill me when im here anytime he wants to..


A/N: im so sorry for switching povs every minute :( but yk yk right?

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Okayyyy im gonna end this heree i guess this is long right? and im almost fully recovered and my finger doesn't hurt anymore 🥲 im not wearing a bandage so i can type fast now hoorayy! 😆

soar urm oim happay tha oi toiyped this lon chaptah, okay ill stop right there 😔
Chapter 7 will take a bit long to upload and im sorry that i took wayyyy too long to make Chapter 6 its so cringe tho 😭😭😭😭 i definitely cringed over 10 times while writing this story.

im sorry im not a very good writer 😶 and most of it probably doesn't make sense to you :(

Anywayssss goodbye and i hope you like this Chapter :) ill keep you updated about chapter 7.

ACTUALLY i think this chapter is not that long after i saw it in preview 😭

Words: 1416

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