Chapter 1 (the gather)

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România was communist now. everything changed and didn't was how it was before. well, at lest it was better then with Swastica but somethig just wasn't right. From the day he joined the communism he felt like he forgot something...


It was 6PM and România receive a leather from the CCCP this leather was a invitation for a meeting
Leather: Tomorow 07:00 at Москва all the republics to be there obligatory
                                                        - ☭

Ro🇷🇴:De ce ne adună pe toți? Este mâine o zi specială? Sau un membru nou sau...?
->(why is she gathering all of us? is it tomorrow a spacial day? or a new mamber or...?)

România tought a little but let it slide and went to bed thinking that at least he will meet България there.

Is 6AM

România was ready to leave the house and go to the meeting but all the way there he just tought abt that thing he forgot it didnt go away so he started making jokes so he will forgot abt it but that felling just won't go away it was like he will remember it today or something

Ro🇷🇴: dar de ce este așa de important?
->(But why is it that important?)

România said to himself

Ro🇷🇴:poate fi alcoolul care mi-e dor cu adevărat.  de ce este necesar sa nu-l consumi?  De fapt, cred că atunci când voi ajunge acasă, voi bea unul, nimeni nu va afla, sunt sigur de asta.  Da!  Asta ma va ajuta!  Dar asteapta.  Tata nu mă va lasă... O să fie din nou un „părinte responsabil” (making fun of him).  Cel puțin, dacă tata mă va vedea, nu-i va păsa că are „depesie”, nu știu ce e cu el. Tata a spus că era mai fericit când era copil...
->(it can be the alcohol I miss it really. why is it necesari to not consume it? Acualy I think wen I will get home I will drink one no one is going to find out I am sure of that. Yes! That will help me! But wait. Dad won't let me... He will be again a "responsible parent" (making fun of him). At least if father will see me he won't care he got "depesion" don't know what's with him Dad said he was more happy wen he was a kid...)
(Dad-Vallachia Father-Moldavia)

At the meeting

CCCP🇷🇺☭:Я позвал вас сюда, чтобы встретить моих детей на случай, если случится что-то плохое, если это будет энергетик или забота о них.
->(I called you here to meet "my kids" in case of something bad would happen, if it will be a emergety, or taking care of them)

Hu🇭🇺: Komolyan?  Gyermekfelügyelet?
->(sereosly? Babysitting?)

CCCP🇷🇺☭:да, можно так назвать, но тут не в этом дело.(said w a rather anoyed voice)Я позвал тебя сюда, чтобы они тоже могли встретиться с тобой.Это, можно сказать, Джорджия его часть земли, которая находится на востоке Черного моря.  Вот Молдавия, ее земля находится на западе Черного моря и именно здесь граничит с Румынией.  Вот у нас проблемный ребенок, Украина он на севере бла бла бла....
->(yes, you can call it like that but that's not the point here.(said w a rather anoyed voice). I called you here so they can meet you too.
This, is Georgea his part of the land can be said that is on the East of the Black Sea. Here is Молдавия her land is on the West of the Black Sea and shares the border with România right here. Here we have the problem child, Ukraine he is in the North bla bla bla....)

But România has allredy lost focus

Ro🇷🇴💭Молдавия?... Ca și Moldova?... Ce este asta? Nu înțeleg de ce este numită ca și pe tatăl meu? Asta e pur și simpu...
->(Молдавия?... like Moldavia?... Father?...
What is this? I don't get it why is she named like my father? This is just...)

România didn't noticed that he look directly in Молдавия's eyes dead silence.

Молдавия sat there in silent not saying anything but think that his face is very familiar but didn't know from where...

The СССР looks up at România and then to Молдавия and knew what was going on so she said

CCCP🇷🇺☭: Румыниея?


(Romania was still focusing on one spot and THAT was Молдавия)



CCCP🇷🇺☭:вы обращаете внимание на то, что я говорю?
->(are you paying attention on what I am saying?)

Said with a cold voice but of course she has always a cold voice but now it was something different it was a rather more scary voice


CCCP🇷🇺☭: Вы знаете, что оставайтесь там, но оставайтесь сосредоточенными
->(You know what stay there but stay focus)

Ro🇷🇴: Da șefa!
->(Yes boss)

CCCP🇷🇺☭: хорошо, мы можем продолжить
->(ok we can continue)

After the CCCP presented the "kids"  and the countries to the "kids". Gather the yong ones and let the country's go home...
except Bulgaria?...
Romania didn't understand why but he told Bulgaria that they will go together home...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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