Eve of april fools

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Remus, James, Sirius and Peter were all in the common room. They were making a plan for tomorrow. April fools. I could hear everything they were saying.

"Alright so, the first half of the day nothing happenes-," Sirius begins

"-Lead them into a false sense of security-," James butts in.

"-Then at lunch while everyone is eating I do the spell-," remus continues

"-that'll turn the room pitch black-," peter pipes in

"-and me and James will magnify our voices and start scaring them," Sirius finishes.

That can't be all they're doing though, right?

"What about stinking the slytherins room?"

"Ugh I don't know about that one," James exasperated

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!" Sirius shouted

"Padfoot shut up!" Remus hissed

"Sorry," Sirius mumbled

Honestly those two have to get together at some point.

"But I'm trying to get lily to like me,"

"How does that have anything to do with stinking the slytherins dorms!" Sirius's voice rising up with every word

"I swear to god Sirius if you don't shut up I'm going to hit you on the head with my book,"


"It fits because lily's friends with blasted snivelous, and if I'm mean to him she won't like me," I could imagine James's hands on his face lying dramatically on the sofa.

Honestly those boys are blind. I had fallen for James about half a year ago now. The only reason why I haven't told him is because I'm too scared to, and I don't want to boost up his ego.

"Dude she stopped talking to him ages ago,"

"Ye but what if she still cares about him moony!"

I wanted to go upstairs but I also didn't want James to not pull off a prank because of me. I have to admit I do find some of his pranks funny. Only some. And remus was right at the end of the day, I don't talk to serverus anymore. Not while he still hangs around with all those people. I decide to go around the corner and face the four boys.

James sees me first and falls off the sofa trying to hide the plans. Remus looks at him in absolute confusion. Sirius looks over to me and also try's to hide the plans and also fails.

"What the- what are you two doing?" Remus asks his eyebrows knitted together.

"Lily, corner, plans," James rushes out brushing the papers underneath a pile of books.

Remus looks around and sees me.

"Hey lily,"

"Hey remus,"

"Come sit," remus pats the spot next to him. I walk over and sit down.

James and Sirius both get up running their heads.

"Are you ok?" I say looking at James.

"Ye I'm fine, had worse playing quidditch,"

"Ye I'm fine thanks for asking,"

I shake my head in disbelief at Sirius's statement.

"So what are your lots plans for tomorrow?"

"Plans-um we don't know what your talking about?" James replies looking at the book which has their plans underneath.

"Peter," he looks at me "what are your plans for tomorrow?"

My bodies turned so I can't see the boys but I know full well they are all shaking their heads.

"Um-well-you see," he gulps and I can tell I've already won.

"Wormtail you say anything and I'll chop off your thumb," Sirius growls

"Don't worry Peter, I already know,"

"How!?" James shouts jumping up.

"Bloody hell she can see through the book,"

"How the hell are you two this dumb?" Remus questions "she obviously overheard us,"

"Well that makes more sense then being able to see through the book," Sirius states.

I watch as James face goes from confusion to realisation and shock. His jaw dropped.

"Hey James, are you ok?" I question

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Um from about when you were talking about doing nothing in the morning to lead people into a false sense of security,"

If anyone thought James's jaw couldn't have got lower than it already was, was wrong.

"Oh shit," James whispered.

I walked up to him and lift his chin up.

"Go ahead and stink the slytherin common rooms," I whisper in his ear.

As I'm about to go down off my tiptoes I gently kiss him on the cheek.

"Goodnight," I back down on my feet say my good nights to the other boys and start walking up to my dorm.

"OH MY GOD! LILY JUST KISSED MY CHEEK!" I hear James shout excitedly.

"I swear to god I am never letting anything or anyone touch this cheek again," James states.

I chuckle to myself.

God he is adorable.

Time skip

It's lunch now. I know the boys will be starting their prank soon. And like clockwork it begins. The lights disappear in a blink of an eye and you can hear James's and Sirius's loud voices occur.

"Hello students of hogwarts,"

"We have come to end this school once and for all,"

Everyone started screaming. Except me I know what's happening. Still gives me the chills though.

Dumbledoor finally turns the lights on and vision is brought back. I look around and see everyone's distraught faces.

For the rest of the day pranks are pulled on everyone and anyone. No teacher or student it spared from those boys. Well except me. The only thing I find it a note on my bed with my name on it. I can tell it's James's straight away.

I cautiously walk over to the note. I prod it with my wand and jerk back. Nothing happens. I do it again with the same reaction and still nothing. I decide to open the letter. Once I've opened it I immediately drop it to the ground afraid something will come out. Nothing does and I pick it up.

Dear lily,

Hopefully you've realised that you (except for me padfoot, moony and wormtail) are the only person who hasn't gotten pranked. Now I would like it to stay that way. So if you would be so kind to come into my dorm at eight thirty at the latest you will be saving yourself.

From James.

P.s. please do come, because I really don't want you pranked.

I smile at myself. He really does like me. I look at the clock and see it's half seven. I'll go to their dorm at eight. Maybe I will take up on James offer to go to hog mead with him.

Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed reading it. If you have any suggestions please mention then down below. Remember to drink and stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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