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"You can play your little games, Flower," he said, walking away from his throne and stalking towards me. My breath caught in my throat, it seemed I had forgotten how to breathe, as I stared at the large being before me. He towered over me as he stopped in front of me. He reached down and grabbed me, pulling me into his arms and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips; the bulge in his pants pressing to my core.

" Play your games with your little humans, but just know anyone who touches what is mine..." he whispered as he trailed a claw around the curve of my ass. He then gently nudged my chin so I could stare into his glowing eyes that seemed like pits of fire "Will pay with his life"

"Do you understand my little human?"I wanted to nod but all of me was frozen and everywhere my skin touched his, seemed to be on fire. I wanted-No- I needed his hands, his mouth, his body all over me. I tried to speak but only a whimper came out.

He chuckled in that deep confident way that had my nipples pleading." I think you understand" He answered with a smirk before taking my lips in a kiss that was slow, and teasing and had me writhing against him for more.

His hands were doing things to my body  that I had thought were only possible in my imagination

"Tell me Olivia, my little human, tell me what you want me to do to your sweet body."

I was panting and could barely hold a sensible thought. It seemed almost impossible to talk when he had his head buried in between my thighs.

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