Chapter 1. New begin

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Keksi: Mika, can you go gather some plants? We need special ones for the sick people. You probably still know which ones I mean, right?

Mika: Uh, yeah, sure, I do. Can Beebop come with me?

Keksi: Sure, why not? He's supposed to be there for you at any time.

Beebop: ...

They go outside to gather some materials.

Mika: Look, Beebop, there are the plants we need!

Beebop: ...

Mika gathers the plants.

Flail, Haru, and Snow fall into the underworld.

Flail lands, and after that, Haru lands.

Flail: Ouch!

Haru: Where are we?

Flail: Wait, do you hear that?

Flail hears a scream that gets louder and louder.

???: AaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!

Haru: Watch out!

Snow lands right next to Flail.

Mika hears them.

Mika: Gasp, Beebop, did you hear that?

Beebop: ...?

Snow: Ugh, where are we?

Haru: I don't know. I asked the same before you were here. Speaking of which, why are you here too?

Snow: I wanted to save you all, but it seems like it didn't work.

Mika goes to a bush next to them to see them but still remain hidden.

While being there, he trips and makes noise.

Flail: Did you hear that?

Snow: Yeah, I think it came from there. Let's go check! Maybe there's someone who could help.

They slowly approach the bush.

Mika: Gasp, in a whisper, "Come on, Beebop, let's get out of here quickly!"

They run to Crystalcliff before they can reach the bush.

Snow moves the branches away, but there was no one.

Snow: Hmm, weird.

Flail: I think we really should think about a plan to get out of here.

Haru: You're right. Let's just stay here for a short while and think.

In Crystalcliff,

Mika runs asap into the village but misses a step and falls down the stairs in front of Keksi.

Mika: Ouch!

Beebop: !

Keksi: Mika, are you alright?

Mika: Y-yeah...

Keksi helps Mika up.

Mika: But there are people outside!

Keksi: What, really??? Let me look!

Mika: N-no! What if they want to kill us?

Keksi: Don't be dramatic. Not everyone is out to kill us. Don't worry, Mika.

Keksi goes up the stairs, and Beebop drags Mika with him.

Back to Snow and the others,

Snow: So, maybe we can contact them up there, but how?

Keksi slowly approaches the bush where Mika was hiding to see them.

Keksi: Wait, are these fairies?

Mika: I-I guess?

Keksi goes to them.

Mika: No, Keksi!

While Mika screams her name, he tries to grab her arm but misses and falls out of the bush.

Snow and the others turn around.

Snow: Hello?

Keksi: Hello, fellow fairies!

Snow: Fairies? What are these?

Keksi: What? Wait, you have horns. Are you a demon?

Snow: Ah, no no! Well, kind of, but I won't harm you. Don't worry, hehe.

Keksi: So, how did you get those, and what are y'all?

Snow: Oh, it's a long story, but to answer your other question, we are elves. And you said "fellow," right? So, you are a fairy, probably?

Keksi: Yeah, but elves don't exist anymore. How do you guys exist then?

Haru: What do you mean, elves don't exist anymore? We have a village where mostly elves live. Or could it be... that this is some kind of other world?

Keksi: Wait... she looks up and sees the gap. Oh, you guys are from the overworld!

Haru: You could say it like that, I guess.

Snow: Yeah, but do you have any ideas how to get back up?

Keksi: I mean, you could come with us first, and we could think about it.

Flail: Us?

Keksi: Yeah, there's Mika behind that bush. Oh, and also my name is Keksi, and Beebop flew to them. This is Beebop.

Mika slowly comes out of the bush.

Snow: My name is Snow. This is my mom Haru, and this is my wife Flail.

Keksi: Nice to meet you all, but first, come with me.

They go to Crystalcliff.

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