Chapter 7: Roses and Sweets

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Rosalinda POV:

Rosalinda POV:

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Reiji had allowed me to go into the kitchen today to bake... He's so sweet to me sometimes I just can't stand it. I wanted to make my mom's famous blueberry tarts with some tea Reiji bought me a couple of days ago, he claims he did it because it was for sale but he can't pull the wool over my eyes. So anyway I'm mixing the dry ingredients when I'm startled by Kanato, "Oh, goodness! Kanato, you startled me," he just looks up at me with his unreadable purple eyes and then looks back down at the display of ingredients, "Are you making something?" He asks making me smile, "Yes I'm making my mom's special blueberry tarts. They were my favorite and I'm missing her a little so Reiji gave me permission to make some. Plus I've been having a hankering for something sweet, ever since I've been sick my diet has been nothing but tea, soups sometimes, and daily dinner meals. They say a liquid diet is best because you can't keep things down so staying hydrated is the best medicine sometimes," he doesn't look like he was listening, but I didn't mind I haven't talked to anyone other than Reiji these past couple of days and I've been bored, so I was glad for the company. "Would you like to try one when I'm done," I ask and he looks at me with a creepy smile and nods. I smile back and continue baking, I don't know how I did it but I managed to find fresh blueberries like a blood hound finds prey for his master. While the tarts were baking for a bit, I was mashing the blueberries and then cooked them on the stove to create the syrup. I added a little bit of cornstarch to thicken it up and some sugar to give it a bit more sweetness. 

15 minutes went by and the tarts were finally done, pulling them out I set them onto the counter. Letting maybe a few minutes go by to cool them off, I grab a table spoon and drizzle the blueberry syrup onto the center of the tart and then take some powdered sugar and lightly tap the spoon letting it sprinkle on the tart. "Alright Kanato, let them cool just for a little longer and then you can have some okay. I don't want you to burn yourself," he nods as I start making my tea. It took about maybe 3 minutes to make my tea so I thought the tarts should be cooled down enough, "Okay, here you go," I hand him one with the spatula and I grab one for myself. We both bite into ours and his eyes light up, I smile closing my eyes as the nostalgia floats through me. "These are amazing, I don't usually like fruit type sweets but these are really good," Kanato says taking another bite. "It's been so long since I've had these, it almost makes me feel like I'm eating them for the first time all over again. I miss my family," without realizing my eyes tear up thinking of my family. I finish my tart and then a hand gently runs on my cheek under my eye, I look over seeing Kanato with my tears on his finger. I sniffle wiping my eyes, "Oh I'm sorry Kanato. I didn't mean for you to see me like that, I didn't even know I was crying. I guess I really miss my parents," I chuckle with a hint of sadness behind my voice. 

"I wish I knew what that felt like. Neh, Teddy~," he says looking at his teddy bear. "Is it okay if I ask where you got your teddy bear," I ask quietly as to not upset him. "Mother gave him to me when I was born, father had him custom made like my brothers gifts. Laito's was the fedora and Ayato's was that ribbon tie he always wears," I smile hearing that. "My mom made me a blanket she knitted from scratch. She was always the baker and crafter of the family, most of my clothes were made by her. Which is why I guess I always look so comfortable and fashionable," I giggle and he chuckles along with me. "You know my mom taught me how to sew and patch, if anything ever happens to your teddy on accident. You can bring him to me, I'll fix him right up and looking new all over again," he thanks me. "Neh, Teddy~, do you think it would be a good idea to have Rosalinda over for a tea party," that question catches my attention and I smile at him as he talks to his teddy, "Agreed. Rosalinda would you like to join us for a tea party," I giggle nodding, "I'd be honored Kanato. If you'd like we can have the tarts to go along with it," he nods. I turn and collect the tarts on a plate following him to his room, "Oh Kanato, your room is so cute. I love it," I say setting the plate down on the table. "Thank you, these are all my friends. Teddy's my best friend though," I nod and wait for him to set the table up. "You may sit here, Rosalinda," I sit down in the chair he pulls out. "Why thank you good sir," I say in a mock British accent making him chuckle and blush. 

We had the best time serving tea, making fun of posh Brits, eating my tarts and Kanato actually allowed me to see Teddy up close. He let me hold him and everything, I was shocked by this. Unfortunately I had to cut our time short, Kanato noticed I was becoming pale and dizzy so he helped me to Reiji's room. I was bombarded with questions by Reiji, but when I explained what happened he dropped them but wasn't happy about it. I told him that Kanato didn't do anything and that all we did was have some time to get to know each other and that we'd like to do it again, when I have more energy of course. Reiji reluctantly agreed and Kanato surprised us both when he hugged me goodbye and let me hug Teddy, too. I smiled as Reiji got me back into bed and let me sleep off the exhaustion I felt from not taking a well deserved nap. He told me to check in with him the next time I wanted to spend time with his brothers, I agreed and then fell asleep, thinking of who I'd want to spend time with next.  

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