The anti brothers

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I was chilling on the balcony of the daycare thats by the ball pit thinking about stuff
I heard moon call my name
"ah- COMING!"
I replied getting up and walking to moon's room
"You called moony?" I asked looking up at him
"Can you help me with finding a way to kill eclipse...?"
My eyes widend
"W-why would you want to kill him... he... he doesn't come out as much as I used to anymore tho... right...?"
I tried my best to hide the fact that I was working with him, I was kinda shaking but moon couldn't see me shaking
"Lunar... you do know that if eclipse comes back the first thing he will do is talk to you right?"
Moon asked crouching down and holding my shoulder
"And he hasn't yet... has he?" I tilted my head
"Well.... no-"
"Great! Then I'm safe"
I said as I pushed moon's hand off of my shoulder
"Lunar.. it doesn't work like that though"
Moon got up and held his arm
"It does now, see you soon moon! Call me when you find somthing"
I walked off jumping down from the balcony and looked at the time
'I got out at the right time... enough time to make a plan with eclipse...'
I said in my head happily skipping out to with him

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