The True Meaning of Love

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Love is a sick and twisted aspect of life.

People search for it, hoping to find the right person to "love."

And when they find it, they think everything will be fine. They think that together they can conquer anything, or whatever.

But let me tell you: Love gives you the horrible illusion of joy and a perfect life.

Everything is sappy and perfect for a while, but what happens when that person you love oh so much decides to betray your love?

You had given them everything. Your trust, your support, your companionship. But they threw it all away.

And now you are left all alone with nothing but a hollow hole in your chest where your heart is. That hole expands until it swallows you whole and you are trapped in an agonizing state of darkness and depression. You suffer each day, wanting nothing more than to die....

Love ruins us all, friend.

It manipulates you into this dark and horrible wasteland, giving you the impression, at first, that this wasteland is a beautiful meadow where nothing can possibly go wrong.

And when your "love" breaks, that beautiful meadow shatters and the ugly truth stares you in the face.

Love has betrayed you.

So, love is many things. Whether those many things be joy, fun, sadness, depression, anger, and others, all those many things lead to just one thing.



Yeah, so that was that. Don't judge....

That person had looked at me like I was insane....whatever!

Was that too harsh for all you people in love?

Don't take my word into consideration, its just what I think.

Thanks for reading!

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