Chapter One

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The birds are chirping. It’s morning already, the morning of my big day. I curled in my bed fantasizing again. This time, I’m thinking of wearing a golden silk dress twirling around as I danced with a handsome lad. The place is so refreshing, a waterfall a few meters from the banquet dazzled the place, trees and flowery bushes completed its splendor. People are dancing, and then a big, three-layered cake was strolled on the middle of the place, then they sang a birthday song. I felt so…

“♪ Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you ♫,” my father-uncle barged in my room singing and I was back to reality. I just listened with a smile as he finished his song then he hugged me. “Thanks Uncle Frigrid!”

“Get dressed dear. It’s your day! I’m taking you somewhere,” he said cheerfully and left with a grin. I jumped off my bed and headed for the bath. I wonder where he is taking me. For the past fifteen years, we only celebrate my birthday in the house; I don’t want myself to be exposed to the public because of my appearance. Nothing interesting on my looks except for a mark of dread showing the terror and misery I’ve been into.

As I was combing my long, dark, wet, straight hair in front of the mirror, I was reminded of my parents who died in a car accident a long time ago. The burn on the right side of my face which extended from my forehead, covering my right eye and to my neck have always reminded me how my life is badly in misfortune. Fortunately, my blue eyes, which I inherited from my mother, were safe. Uncle Frigrid who was my mom’s older brother was the only relative I was left with. My dad’s family’s whereabouts are unknown since my parents were said to have runaway together. When the car my dad was driving with me and my mom who just got discharged from hospital for giving birth to me blew up in fire, I was said to be the only one who survived and was left with a burn mark on my face. According to Uncle Frigrid, the Superior must’ve casted a magical spell to secure me and save my life in the explosion. With the burn mark, people have viewed me as a monster that bears a curse. I have no friends, no one to talk to except my uncle who never fails to make me feel so special. And gladly, I was strong enough to live with my life despite the people mocking me. My Uncle always tells me that I should be grateful for I was fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to live and that I should treasure my life.

I pulled a plain white dress with ribbons on the ends and let my hair untied. Happy Sweet Sixteen Liv! I thought and left a smile in front of the mirror and raced downstairs. The atmosphere of the house seems different although it’s the same quite place, there’s something here that I can’t figure out. As I sat on my place in the round dining table, my uncle with a boy my age wearing a black vest entered the dining room. I was forced to stare at the beauty my uncle was with. Brown hair, skin so white, tall, pinkish lips, his eyes are somewhat luminous gold and his shaggy hair completes that beauty. They joined me on the table and I was like O.O

“Liv, I’d like you to meet Krishan Valedon, an old friend’s son,” my uncle introduced. The boy stood up and offered a shake hands, I was held up for a moment, mesmerized by his looks. Then I hastily rose from my seat and held his hand for a shake, “Li-Livitine Ni-Nightlock, y- you can call me Liv. Ni- nice to meet you,” I said shyly.

“Please excuse her timidity she’s not well-acquainted on how to react with strangers,” my uncle said. Thanks for the cover-up uncle! He smiled and we let go of each other’s hands then sat back. “Happy Birthday by the way,” he greeted and that forced me to smile. I stayed silent as I ate and let Uncle Frigrid do the talking with the lad. The handsomeness that radiated from Krishan makes my eyes glued to him. Gladly, he didn’t catch me. Their talk lasted about half an hour and I just sat there listening. From family, business and personal stuffs, they talked like they’ve known each other for so long until we’ve finished eating.

“Liv, could you please get my wallet upstairs? And also, bring along your brim hat,” Uncle Frigrid asked as he and Krishan discussed something by the hall. I went upstairs and straight to my uncle’s room. It’s so neat, everything’s in order, not to mention that my uncle’s still single. I found his wallet lying on top of the oldest cabinet to be found in his room. Beside it was an unopened letter with my name engraved on the envelope. Curiosity awash through me and I reached for it. I have right to open this letter for it’s addressed to me even without my uncle’s permission to read it. I pulled a black card outside the envelope. As I flipped it open, I found nothing in the inside. No scribbles or name of the sender. I scanned the envelope but it’s bare. The discontentment upon finding the letter empty made me uneasy but sooner or later, my uncle will turn it to me anyway and I can ask him about the bare letter. I tucked the letter back inside the envelope and left it to where it was lying. Fetched my brim hat in my room then went back downstairs. I delivered the wallet to my uncle who’s waiting outside in front of his black pick-up truck and just then I realized that Krishan’s not there anymore. “Where’s he?”

“He already left. Had other business to attend to,” uncle responded.

“At that age?”

“He’s responsible enough. Got a problem with that?” I shook my head then went inside the car. My uncle went back inside the house, he probably left something again, it happens all the time. A few minutes later, he’s back and we hit the road.

We were leaving our town, Rianda, and that made me ask my uncle, “Where are we really going?” He just gave me a smile and said, “You’ll know it when you see it.” I kept silent as my mind went on wandering. It’s my first time to be out of town, I’ve never been anywhere except my uncle’s house, my way to school and of course, the school. We were now in the woods. Trees, trees, trees are all that I can see, no houses. It’s not a town so what do I expect? Then the car suddenly comes to a halt.

“What’s the problem?” I asked as I saw my uncle’s troubled looks.

“Something’s wrong with the engine,” he said and went outside. I followed him. We’re like at the middle of the forest. Thick foliage is covering the place; I can barely see what’s ahead. Uncle Frigid was busy working with the engine so I was left circling the pick-up truck, humming. Pssssssst! I cautiously looked for the direction to where the sound was coming. But I can’t tell where it was from. Then I heard it again. I approached my uncle and asked, “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” he looked so puzzled. He probably didn’t listen to his surroundings. I shook my head and climbed at the back of the pick-up truck. I continued humming, it’s the best that I can do for now. Psssssssssssssssssssst! There it goes again. I got off the pick-up truck to follow the sound. Pssst! It’s coming from behind a tree. Curious, I slowly come close to it. As I peered to see what was making that sound, I found nothing. And as I was about to return to the pick-up truck, a hand covered my mouth and dragged me away. I can’t scream. I tried my best to struggle but I can’t overcome the strength of the person. Plus, I can’t see who it was. I’m being kidnapped! I can’t believe that this would happen to me. Mom! Dad! Help me! White smoke covered me and I can’t tell if I’m in the woods anymore. I lost myself.

A warm, female’s singing voice echoed in my ears. I opened my eyes and found everything in white. White walls, white tiles, while fabric, etc. Then I realized someone is caressing my hair. I sit straight up on the white bed and saw a lady dressed in white, elegant gown. Her face was covered with a white mask, I can see that her eyes are sparkling blue and her hair was brown. We’re staring at each other. I was unable to speak, her aura makes me speechless. “Liv!” she called out.


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