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"Great, it's time now, brunnhilde.
Looks like everyone's ready"

A short girl with a light shade of purple haired and yellow jacket said as she stood besides a much taller woman.


in a giant room with seats that reached high. Group of gods sat awaiting.

"Well then everybody"

A old man sitting on a red seat said.

"It's been some time since we've been together hasn't it"

He said in a calm voice.

"Let the council of Valhalla begin"

"Deities have assembled here from the world over to decide the fate of humanity"

*step* step* step*

"So let me ask you"

He rose his head to see the gods ahead.

"Should we allow mankind to exist for another 1.000 years? And forgive their crimes? Or alternatively, do we put an end to them for all eternity?"

"By the will of the gods you will show me what you have chosen"

The proclaimed zones said.

"Over here"

A purple man with 4 arms layed on his pillow unamuzed.

"I say we finish of the wretched things, I've watched them for a millenia, and I haven't caught any sighn of them learning from thier mistakes"

"Let's give them the old fore and brimstone"

He said layzilly.

"Shivas right"

Another voice more feminine spoke out.

A woman with with a large chest shinning almost angelecly shared her views.

"Everything is just as he says"

"As time goes on, the world becomes uglier and uglier"

This was the godess of beauty APHRODITE

"The sea fills with trash and oil, and forest have disappeared, and countless creatures have gone extinct, so if I may, man kind is out of control, they have become a cancer that threatens to destroy the earth"

"Aphrodite speaks the truth"

Groups of chatter began around the room agreeing with her claim.

"We should crush them once in for all"

"Its unforgivable"

More and more x appeared as they lift up thier opinions.

"Now then it seems the meeting has reached concensus"

Zues said.

"Let the record show the council of Valhalla has managed to agree on a unanimous 

He said as he brought down the hammer.

"To end the human race"

But before the hammer connected


Suddenly, zoes stopped the hammer.

"Who does she think she is!"

The crowed spoke.

Everyone turned surprised.

On top stood a tall women in dark blue hair and a gold feather on the side of her head.

Beyond The Records (Record of Ragnarok x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now