A New Visitor

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My screams fill the hall as I'm hit yet again "Stop!" I say but quickly silenced as I'm hit, again, and again. My strength all but got, I cry out asking, pleading for my life. "Next time you will do it right, GOT IT?!" Mrs.Claudia says. "Y-yes ma'am" I say but its so quiet, she hits me again. "GOT IT?!" I speak louder but my voice is hoarse "Yes.. ma'am". She walks away, swearing as she goes. Tears stream down my face as I cry quietly. "What have I done to deserve this?!" I say yelling at the heavens. "I've done nothing wrong!" I slam my fist onto the floor and yell, not caring if she comes back. I continue crying in my bed and fall asleep.. what I'm guessing has been a few hours have past, Mrs.Claudia yells at me to awaken, I shoot up hoping not to get hit for sleeping when I was supposed to be working "Yes ma'am?" I say. "We have a person coming later today to help you with your work... her name is Miranda Blaire... DO NOT GIVE HER ANY TROUBLE AND IF YOU TELL HER WHERE YOU GOT THESE BRUISES I WILL BEAT YOU UNTIL YOURE RAW! GOT IT?!" She says in a hissing tone "Yes ma'am" I say back and she quickly walks away, I'm assuming she has arrives so I folllow. We make it to the entrance and there stands Miranda, she doesnt look like she wants to be here, I greet her with a smile, and Mrs.Claudia... well she's oddly nice and is explaining to her how she will be helping me "Josh will show you around and how to do things." I wave. Miranda nods "Okay." I study her and see she has bruises and cuts as well... almost in the same places as me. I look at a cut on my arm then at her arm and see the exact same cut in the exact same place. Probably just a coincidence. Miranda walks over and extends her hand out, I take it and shake it. "Hello I'm Miranda" she says with a warm smile.. her cheeks bruised just like mine "I'm Josh, let's start down in the wash room?" She nods and I see Mrs.Claudia staring me down. I shutter and begin to walk towards the wash room, Miranda not far behind, and then she speaks again "I see you have bruises also? How did you get yours?"

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