Uninvited Guest 2

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Zhan reached at Yibo's house and saw there was no one...main door was open and some flowers were on floor like someone threw them there....
He dialed Yanli's number...


Hello! Yanli....dd is not at home....

What??  Ok wait a minute...I'll call him...

I've already tried his number but he's not receiving my calls.

What...? Ok let me think about it...what to do...wedding is about to start...

Ok listen to me carefully...I'm going to find him...and you handle everything there...


With this Zhan disconnected the call and he tracked the location of Yibo's mobile by an app he installed earlier in Yibo's mobile...
Yibo's mobile was with Feng so when Zhan saw the gps he saw the location was at one hour distance...so he ran for his car and drived his car toward the location.

He reached at the location that place was a barren area...he saw an abandoned factory there so he ran toward factory and went inside. There were too many doors so it was not easy to find Yibo but Zhan was searching everywhere when he heard a cry...a dull cry and sob...and in his heart he recognized the voice so he followed the voice when he entered inside hall he saw Yibo who was curling onto floor and crying miserably... he was about to ran toward Yibo but someone held him from behind and tied his hands. He was angry....

Who the hell are you? Leave me....

When Yibo heard the person's voice he looked up and saw Zhan...he got up and ran to him and hugged him...

Zhan ge....Zhan ge...please...

Dd...stop crying...shhh..dd...tell me why these people brought you here?? Hm

H...he...he is....

Before Yibo could speak anything a man dragged him and tied him..
A clapping sound echoed in the hall...

Well!Well! Well....look who's here...the great actor Mr Xiao Zhan...welcome....

Zhao Feng was laughing like a maniac...Zhan was confused about the man's identity..so he asked

Who are you? And why did you do this to dd? What do you want?

Ohh young man...so many questions...Well I'll give you answers before killing you.
I'm Zhao Feng.  Your original Father in law..and...I want my son back...

Ha! Seriously ridiculous...son? Have you ever consider him as your son...and...DD...don’t worry this time...I'm with you...just face this man with the attitude and pride you have...he is nobody..just a mere criminal...

As soon as Zhan completed his sentence he received a punch...

S..top it...please don't hurt him please..

Yibo was yelling but all in vain because Feng's man were kicking and punching to Zhan so he decided something....and shouted...

Zhao Feng...I said stop it...

Yibo...how dare you to call your father by name...

A murderer like you is not my father...no you are not my father and listen carefully even if you kill me I'll never come with you never ever.....

He shouted at the top of lungs and slowly crawled near Zhan..because Zhan's condition was miserable he was hurt badly and lying down on the floor..Yibo was feeling sad and guilty...

Okay! Okay...as you said..I've tried my best to make you understand that I just want to join my gang work but as before you again denied so this time I'll give you freedom from this world, from me and also from this Xiao Zhan...

Zhao Feng picked up his gun and targeted...he was ready to shoot Yibo who was terrified but Feng was a criminal for everyone so without any mercy he pulled the trigger..and...

**shoot **

On the other hand at wedding venue Yibo's mom and Mr Wang was doing wedding rituals...suddenly his mom looked around and when she didn't find Yibo she asked to Yanli about Yibo...

Where is bobo?? And Zhan ??

Yanli was in dilemma that what is she supposed to tell her mom...so she lied...

Aah ommaaa...he is at home preparing for your welcome...and Zhan is with him...

But he is not here....

Oho ommaa...don’t worry..he'll be here soon...



Yanli was feeling restless because its been also 4 hours but Yibo and Zhan were not there and Zhan's number was out of reach..

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