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"Tetsu... It's been 2 months already... Aren't you worried?" Akashi had asked his very sick lover. With a cough, Kuroko answered. "Of course I am Akashi-kun.... but nobody seems to know what's wrong with me"

Akashi sighed. Of Course he knew that but still. He wanted Kuroko to get better. He didn't want to lose his best friend and only love of his life.

Kuroko had been sick for about 2 months. He's visited many doctors but none knew what was wrong with him.  Of course he was worried but he tried not to show it for the sake of Akashi.  Though Akashi was terrified no matter what.  He didn't even want to leave Kuroko alone while he went to school.
Because of how sick Kuroko is, he's stopped going to school and looks extremely pale and fragile.  All he could do was sit on the bed. He is bed written anyway.  Anytime he'd eat, it would never stay down.  

Akashi tried to feed Kuroko as much as he could.  He tried everything he could to have the food stay in Kuroko but of course it never worked.

As a few weeks passed, Kuroko has gotten much worse.  At this point he was admitted to the hospital, were Akashi stays for as long as he can.

One day Akashi had come and was told by the doctors he wouldn't last much longer.  Giving Akashi as much time as he wanted with Kuroko.   Which wasn't enough.  He wanted many more years with Kuroko, not minutes.

As Akashi entered the room, Kuroko smiled.  Once Akashi had walked close enough, Kuroko noticed he was crying silently.  With most of his strength, Kuroko sat up and hugged Akashi.  Pulling him onto the bed, right beside Kuroko.

"Don't cry..." Kuroko had told him.  But Akashi kept quiet.   He cried silently into Kuroko's neck.

As the heart monitor next to them kept going, Akashi noticed it was starting to beat slower and Kuroko looked like he was in pain.  Realizing what was going on, he pressed Kuroko into him, with each boy on the others shoulder.

"K-kuroko.... don't leave me...." Akashi stuttered.  Kuroko gave him a small smile and a quick kiss to the cheek.  "I love you Akashi-Kun" he had said with the last of strength, going limp in the others arms right after.  Akashi cried.  He has never cried this much in his lice and feels like he would never stop.  "I love you too Tetsu" he said between sobs, whispering it into Kuroko's ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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