Chapter 8: Roses and Lust

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(Title is Not a Lemon sorry)

Rosalinda POV: 

Rosalinda POV: 

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I yawn stretching, my back is so stiff it's amazing that I can sit up. I look over at the nightstand seeing my headscarf, I grab it and wrap it around my head. A knock sounds at my door and Reiji opens it up seeing me awake, "Ah, perfect timing as always," I giggle making him smirk. "As much as I hate the thought of leaving you here with another one of my brothers. I unfortunately have something that needs attending to at our school, so I put Laito in charge of keeping an eye on you and making sure you are taken care of," I think he heard me gulp because he comes over to sit on the bed taking my hands in his. "Don't worry, I know he's a pervert but I also know he knows better than to screw our father over. If he lays a hand on you I'll immediately call father and it will be taken care of," he hugs me tightly as I do as well, "I'll be okay, I hope," he kisses my forehead goodbye and walks out of the room. I hug my body feeling nervous, but also a little excited to meet Laito. I've only had one interaction with him for half a second so I hope it won't go wrong. "Hello, sweet-chan," I look up seeing him leaning against my doorframe, "H-hello," I whimper and wince feeling stupid for stuttering. "It's okay. I won't hurt you, how would you like to spend time with me in the game room. Your bedroom seems to be a little musty, being somewhere else might do you some good," he offers his hand to me. 

I was still nervous, but I took his hand and he gently leads me to the game room. "Your pajamas are cute by the way," I blush at his compliment, "Thank you, mom bought them for me for my birthday. The doctor told her silk pajamas are good because the chemotherapy can make your skin prickly and sensitive to other types of material," (That's actually a true fact, my grandmother had breast cancer and she loved silk) He nods in understanding, "Well either way they're cute, green looks good on you," I smile still blushing. He opens the door to the game room and I notice that most of them look like pub games, pool and dartboard, I smile seeing the pool table. "My father loves pool, in fact when he was in college he made a pool club where people would compete for money. Had to kick a few people out for hustling, it was just supposed to be friendly," I say running my fingers over the green table, "Would you like to play," he asks making me laugh nervously. "Um, this is a little embarrassing, but my father never taught me. He wanted to, but when I picked up dancing he thought it wouldn't be a good idea to over work me since pool takes a lot of focus," I hear him chuckle and I turn to him. "Why don't I each you," my eyes shine in happiness, "Really, oh that would be great. Once I get better and see them again I can show my dad how good I've gotten," me and him set up the table and start playing.   

I can't help with the fact that I've blushed when he's held my hand to adjust the positioning or the fact that he would hold onto my waist to angle me just right when shooting, I clear my throat feeling nervous around him. Despite the fact that he's a pervert, he's a very attractive man. Fedora, lip piercing, red hair, striking green eyes, who wouldn't be attracted to him. I take a deep breath as he smiles at me without me seeing it, I strike the ball and I break them. "Very nice, take it slow. We'll get you shooting better in no time," I smile sweetly and then I start coughing. Pulling out my handkerchief I cough into it causing blood to splatter on it, Laito comes over and rubs my back in comfort. I start wheezing as I continue to cough in the handkerchief, "I'll get you some water," I nod as he picks me up and sets me on top of the pool table so I can sit if I start feeling tired, I continue to cough harder and harder. I took a deep breath trying to stop wheezing, Laito came back with some water in a glass. "Here drink. Slowly though, I can't have you choking on it," I nod taking a slow drink of water. My throat starts feeling better after having that water I suddenly start tearing up and sniffling, "Hey.... hey, what's wrong," Laito asks. "I'M SO SICK OF BEING SICK! Why can't I just live a normal life," I started sobbing uncontrollably feeling miserable, blood was still dripping from my bottom lip. Laito didn't know what to do, he however couldn't stop smelling the sweet smell of blood dripping from her mouth. Swallowing deeply he looks at her with a hungry glance, "I really don't want to scare you, I do however have a way to stop the bleeding for now. Just.... do you trust me," I felt wary of his question. Did I trust him? What did he want to do to me? what will he do, I think to myself. I take a shaky breath, but nod not trusting my words, I watch his hand shake from nervousness as he raises it to hold mine. 

"Close your eyes okay," I didn't know what to think, but I didn't argue as I closed my eyes. I was shaking so badly because I was afraid, I felt his thumb and index finger lightly hold my chin and open my mouth. He lets a shaky breath leave his mouth as I feel his presence get closer to my face, I feel something wet lick my chin making me shiver. The wetness goes up toward my bottom lip and I hear a swallow and then felt the same wetness being put into my mouth. I yelp not knowing what is being put into my mouth, but I'm too scared to open my eyes, it swirls around inside my mouth as his hands hold me tightly being I'm scared and shaking like a leaf. He pulls away as I take a deep breath, "You can open your eyes now," I open them and I feel a weight on my lap, looking down I see Laito his shoulders shaking as his head is buried in my lap. "L-Laito... what happened are you alright," I ask. He doesn't look up at me and my eyes widen realizing what he did, my lips are tingly and the blood is gone from my mouth. He kissed me, not just a kiss. HE LICKED THE BLOOD FROM MY CHIN AND INSIDE MY MOUTH, I scream in my head. I cover my mouth with my fingertips blushing madly. "I'm sorry, I know I promised. I'm so sorry," my cheeks are still pink as I look down at Laito realizing he meant it, I sigh knowing I can't be mad at him. It's instinctual for a vampire to drink one's blood, especially a human's. I can't fault him for that, I take off his fedora gently placing it on the pool table. He stops shaking when he feels my fingers run through his soft auburn hair, he leans into my touch like a baby would from his mother, "I'm not mad. It's in your nature to want blood, I know you promised. You followed through, you didn't hurt me and you didn't take my blood by force, don't blame yourself, Laito. It was bound to happen," I smiled down at him. After a while of comforting he picks me up bridle style and takes me to the main foyer, he sets me down on the couch and lays down on my lap. He wanted more pets I guess, I smiled and nodded at him, he fell asleep after a while and so did I from the coughing. It was a good day I suppose, hopefully I'll have more days like this.

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