I woke up and thought i was going to puke out my organs. As i walk into the bath room i turn the shower radio on. One direction "one thing " came on. I screamed. The rowring sound of the bus horn beeped so i ran and got my things and hope on the bus.
I sat beside sophia.
"Hi" I mumbled
"Hey" sophia said
There was a cold slince for a second.
"Presley? Whats going on" sophia added
"I have aids" i whispered
"Dont tell anyone ok"
"My lips are seled" yelled sophia
Once i got out of science, people yelled
"Look out here comes the gal with aids"
My mouth dropped i saw sophia walk by.
"What did you do"
"Im sorry i needed to tell it"
I walked away as fast as my tear driped down my face. I ran home and got my dads pills. It had child lock on it. So i push down snd twist. I turned on the radio and one direction came on. As i slowly take the pills and chew them i barfed out all of my organs and died. I look down at my mom and dad and they are trying for another baby. I thought they would never get over me. So i haunt sophia for now and untill her time is gone.
To be contuined....