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"Something's going on with Elle she's not acting like herself" Jax says as he shuts the doors to the shop 

"You see it to" Bobby wipes his hands on a cloth

"She's not thinking straight she's never left here unprotected like that before" Opie chimes in

"She's been tossing and turning every night since we made the deal, she's exhausted" I lean against the hood of a car

"She understands that this deal was important to us to pass up" Tig adds

"Still this may have pushed her a little to far this time even if she won't say it" Bobby's right we push boundaries all the time never thinking of the consequences 

"Call 911 Elle just passed out" Paige says in a panicked voice when she running into the garage

Someone calls an ambulance luckily they show up quick and we all rush behind it as they take her to the hospital. They ask me a lot of questions about how she's been feeling lately and if there's any chance she might be pregnant. After about half an hour they let us back to see her she's groggy but awake. 

"This was so unnecessary" She moans pushing herself up in bed

"Elle you passed out you haven't been yourself lately so this was necessary" I sit on the end of her bed

"So what we've had a heat wave I just haven't been hydrated" She tries to defend herself

A couple minutes later the doctor comes in and asks everyone except me to step out, this couldn't be good. 

"Miss Montez we ran a few tests they all came back alright in those tests we include a pregnancy test and it turns out you are around three month along congratulations" She was smiling but I'm sure my and Elle's mouths are on the floor 

When the doctor finally leaves I slowly turn around to face Elle wanting to deal with this head on, if looks could kill I'd be dead, there's so much rage in her face. 

"JUICE YOU LYING SON OF A BITCH WHAT DID YOU DO!" She screams throwing a pillow at my head I catch it before it can hit me

"Remember that night about 3 months ago when we thought we didn't have any condoms left but then I found that random one at the back of my drawer" Pausing I rub the back of my head trying to find words

"Well it was expired and well it broke but I had figured I had pulled out in time and that everything would be fine" 

"Juice you are a dead man you hear me when I get out of this bed" She lets out a big sigh

"What are we going to do? Are we really ready to be parents?" She asks leaning her head back walking over I sit on the edge of the bed taking her hand

"I think we are" It comes out quieter then expected 

"You really think so?" She sounds unsure

"We both love each other, we plan to get married, we have a place, we both work, you have a degree" I try

She's quiet for a few moments her breathing is deep she's trying to stay calm this is when I start to get nervous.

"Lets do it" She finally says


                                                                                       THE NEXT DAY

                                                                                        ELLE'S P.O.V.

The doctor discharges me a few hours later the guys are still waiting for me out in the lobby when I see Jax I remember our lunch date. 

"I guess we missed our lunch date...sorry" I apologize

"It's ok go back to the club relax a little and we'll go tonight sweetheart" He smiles down at me 

"I'd love to" He pulls me into a hug before we left for the club house

About a week later I had finally gotten the nerve to tell everyone about the fact that I was pregnant. Juice agreed that it was time and needed to be done so that I could be protected as much as possible. At around 1 in the afternoon I got all everyone into the Chapel and waited for them to be seated.

"Okay Elle you have to floor" Clay says then everyones eyes are on me

"You guys know I love you and appreciate everything you've done for me but I have a favour to ask..." Trailing off this is harder then I thought it would be

"Anything" Chibs says leaning in

"Ummm so I was wondering how you felt if we took in another person" Juice tightens his grip around me I can feel his smile  

"Who now, when and for how long?" Tig asks

"If my calculations are right in about six months, they'll hopefully be around for a long time, Juice and I haven't picked a name out yet" Now I know Juice is smiling like a mad man as I put my hands on my stomach

All of the guys looked at each other in confusion it took them a few moments to understand what I was hinting at. Chibs is the first one to get it when he does he shoots up coming over to give Juice and I a hug and kiss. 

"Congratulations brother, can't wait to meet the little one" He's grinning from ear to ear

Everyone gets up giving Juice and I hugs this makes me feel loved, that I know that I have the support of my family, telling my parents is a whole other story. 

"Lets go get my parents out of the way" I look over at Juice after everything is said and done

"Anything for you and our little reaper" He leans down to kiss my stomach

"Please don't ever call our baby that again our child will be not be nicknamed after the symbol of death"

"Sorry I love you" He laughs giving me a corny Juice smile

"Ya ya I love you to" I said kissing his cheek

Becoming his Old Lady (A Sons of Anarchy Story)Where stories live. Discover now