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There's been a legend passed down for centuries. Mothers and fathers alike told their children the legend of the girl whose heart was split into four pieces. She'd been killed for loving more than one man at a time. Taken and held captive, her punishment was to watch as each of the four men she loved died in front of her, each in the most brutal way. 

As each of her lovers died, so did a piece of her soul. When her last love and the last part of her soul died, so did she. The legend goes that her screams of agony created the first earthquake, and her never-ending tears created the first flood. When she died, so did everyone that caused her pain and suffering. 

Her heart split into four pieces that scattered across time and space. The splitting of her soul also deemed her fate. She'd be reborn in a new time period, when the time was right, and reunite with her loves. Her soul and her heart would be whole again. 

Fate was the one that decided where the pieces of her soul went, and who they now belonged to. Fate decided the outcome and nothing could be done to prevent it, no matter how hard one very powerful Witch tried. 

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