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Affection, the softness of love makes love bound mostly

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Affection, the softness of love makes love bound mostly. Affection affects the strictness of love with which we should stand sometimes for the wellbeing of our dear ones. It's not that affection can be framed into negativity for this cause. It's just the obvious nature of affection which objects firmness over feelings when it's needed.

Adikesh loved his daughter Abhipsa to no end. He had fulfilled all her wishes dedicatedly more than his ambitions. He never objected Abhipsa's love for Arjun, but after departure of Subhadra he started to oppose Abhipsa's love unwillingly as opposing his daughter wasn't an easy task for his affectionate heart.

"Why are you searching for Subhadra? Why did you keep this search mission as a secret even from me?" Adikesh asked in a dominant tone to know the truth anyhow.

"Pitashri, it's not the right place to discuss about all these. I have told you about this very before, right?" Abhipsa repeated her words which she said previously.

"I can't wait to get my answer, Putri!" He denied her excuse firmly.

"I am searching Subhadra to know about the mysterious reason of her disappearance, and this mission was demanding secrecy," She answered shortly.

"Why do you need to know about the reason of her disappearance? Didn't you heard what Arjun told on that day? According to Arjun Subhadra was an ill omen. That was why he made her out of his life," He reminded her of that day.

"I don't believe in this concept of ill omen," Abhipsa was an open minded princess to accept the concept of ill omen so easily.

"After arrival of Subhadra the climate of Indraprastha had changed drastically. Even the typography of natural habitats was also impacted in a negative way. All these are indicating the truth of Arjun's words," Adikesh countered to convince his daughter.

"Whatever, but I just want to confirm Subhadra's departure from Arjun's life for forever. I am searching her so that knowing the reason of her disappearance I can prove Arjun's innocence to those people who has been misunderstanding him," She eyed at him straight while uttering the last sentence.

"Consider your decision once again, Putri. Arjun isn't a right choice for you. Even if his words about Subhadra were true he could have stood for his love, but he didn't. For him interest of royalty matters more than any emotions," His concern was evident like a crystal in clear water.

"Interest of royalty should be prior to any emotions for a royal. What's wrong in this, Pitashri?" She wasn't ready to listen anything against Arjun, or it can said that not against her wish of getting him.

"He loved Subhadra so immensely. I don't think that he can love you back," He tried once again to make her back out though there was hardly any hope.

"I don't have any objection if he can't do so. I don't wish any return from him. I just want him to make mine, to love him with all my rights," She countered with a dreamy expression which he couldn't resist.

"It's the first time that I am unable to give my acceptance to you heartily. I am a father, Putri. Whatever had happened with Subhadra shook my heart. I feel bad for her sometimes," He sighed imagining the mishap happened with Subhadra.

A father's heart is always genuine to anyone's pain who resembles his children in age, choices, thoughts, facial structures or in any way. Subhadra and Abhipsa were of almost same age. This factor had connected Adikesh with Subhadra through genuine concern.

"I understand your emotions, Pitashri. Arjun didn't have any fault in all these. I have full faith on him," Abhipsa held his father's hand noticing his expression got softened.

"So, you started this secret search mission to convinced me about Arjun's innocence!" He caressed her hairs reciprocating her touch.

"Yes, Pitashri. I wanted you to talk about our marriage proposal to bhrata Yudhishthir," She smiled at her own words.

"Not now, Putri. After the mystery of Subhadra's disappearance gets solved I will initiate your marriage proposal with Arjun. Revelation of that mystery is important to me. I can't put your life into uncertainty. Carry on your search mission," He declared his decision making her nod sadly.

Abhipsa determined herself to accomplish her mission without the knowledge that there's someone else whose evil intention was walking beside her mission.

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LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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