A Noisy Bunch

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"FUCK YEAH! MCDONALD'S! I'M STARVING!" Weronika took a hard right, throwing her three passengers violently to the side. Sophia yelped, armrest in a death-grip as she struggled not to go flying into Weronika. Elsie was too slow and small to do likewise and was slammed against her window. Only Neo was unfazed, although she crossed her arms and gave a small scowl, reconsidering her decision to let Weronika drive.

Neo hadn't felt like playing chauffeur, and spoiled little Elsie refused on the same grounds, and none of them trusted Nervous Wreck Sophia to not wreck the car in her nervousness. That left Weronika to impatiently snatch the keys from Neo and shove her way into the driver's seat.

"I tote my siblings around all the time!" she bragged. Although, they're infinitely better company than YOU three...

But she failed to consider that this car was much smoother and faster than the "hunk of junkyard scrap metal" she drove back home. That was just one of many reasons why Weronika wanted to throw hands with Elsie. Not all of them could afford limos and private jets.

"Wrong side! Wrong side!" Sophia shrieked, nearly deafening them all with her shrill cry. But she wasn't wrong. Weronika was.

"Shit! Keep forgetting the Japanese drive backward around here!" Weronika muttered, jerking the steering wheel again to get back in the right lane (the correct lane, not the right lane). Of course, this sent all of her passengers flying again.

"Oh, honestly, Weronika, couldn't you have just waited until we got back to our hotel?" Elsie pouted. "You shameless bottomless pit!"

"Dude, I'm hungry!" Weronika whined. "Practice was brutal today!"

"Don't tell me Weronika tires out that easily," the smaller girl taunted and smirked, shaking her head as she raised her hands in a taunting shrug.

"Hell no I don't!" Weronika snorted. "I just work harder and play harder than all the rest of you losers combined!"

"Well, if you actually practiced the dance routines correctly, you wouldn't have to work or play so hard!" Elsie shot back.

Although Weronika would've sooner crashed the car with all four of them in it than admit that Elsie was right, Elsie was right. It wasn't that Weronika was practicing wrong, per se, but if learning was a tree, she hit every single "idiot" branch on the way down. In her words, it was easier just to speedrun and get all of her mistakes out quickly. Elsie, meanwhile, valued efficiency. She liked to learn properly the first time. The jury was out on which method was superior, seeing as the two were fairly evenly matched in their dance skills.

"Ugh. McDonald's." Elsie crossed her arms and turned up her nose.

"Well, excuse you, Little Miss Missy—" Weronika sneered at the smaller girl through the rearview mirror.

"Wh-wh-what does that even mean?" Sophia asked, twiddling her fingers anxiously as she cast a sideways glance at Weronika.

"Shut your ass up, that's what it means," Weronika replied coldly, turning her glare on Sophia.

"Eeee! Sorrysorrysorry!" Sophia threw herself against the window to put as much space between herself and Weronika as possible, not that it was very much. The reason the four of them were seated the way they were was because Weronika, of course, needed to be in the driver's seat. Elsie wanted to sit in the back as if she was actually being chauffeured, and to avoid Weronika. And Neo decided she would've rather sat by Elsie than the other two. It was also easier to keep an eye on everyone from the back without being as easily watched in return.

Sophia was unhappy that she wasn't allowed to sit next to Neo, but Neo only cocked her head at Elsie.

"Take it up with her," she said in deadpan as she took the seat behind shotgun. That would make it even harder for Sophia to try staring at her so creepily and obsessively. Although, she'd caught the other girl's eyes in the rearview mirror at least 17 times already.

A Noisy BunchWhere stories live. Discover now