Day Five - All Hell Breaks Loose

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HEEEY Journal...
Remember how I was calm and collected 4 days ago?
My mom finally picked up her phone, scolded me for not getting her, and when I was about to call... the darned phone lines went OUT! Can you believe that?
The government's doing a horrendous job of quarantining the city. Riots spark everyday, and people are dying. PEOPLE ARE DYING.
GOD. I wish I could do something... but the last thing I need are looters knocking at my door. Heck, over 15 people knocked on my door already begging for food, and as if I didn't see the shotgun barrel waiting for a sign of life.

I kept strong! Carried on. Said nothing. They break in, I shoot them. Same deal. 15 people. God.. what have I become? A monster? A sociopath? A psycho?
Heck if I know. I still haven't been able to contact my significant other. I'm missing her more everyday.. I'm getting worried by the hour.. I'm fearing the worse has come to pass. Dear god, I hope she's fine.

Was ready to call it quits and leave just 4 days ago, until I saw the latest news broadcast. People were killing eachother over.. some weird liquid on the ground. Trust me! It was freaky and strange as heck. Took 5 seconds to realize why people were trampled.
People started to get back up. The substance covered them completely and began moving them like a machine! Then it became more fluid in natural movements, eventually began running at people. Biting them. Grabbing them. And that substance SPREAD. Like wildfire. Everywhere and on everyone. Heck, even the cameraman was toppled and.. covered with that stuff. But before the broadcast turned off, I could SWEAR I heard barks. Lots of them.

And despite that dreadful broadcast, I still need to go save her. And I'll be dead if I can't. If whatever those things are don't kill me, the stress will. It may be awhile before I write again. I need focus anyway, and atleast I can write my thoughts.

I think I'm definitely going mad. Signing off.
P.S. - If this is the last entry, remember the signing name, "K". I'd rather someone have this rather than lost to time. (And rain.)

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